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Advanced Tactical fighter Systems Pack - 4 high-performance aircraft in one release!

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DOWNLOADS: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/hyuxq42y9swbbbo/AADJHDa6AfC-ciMq6guVeQ3la?dl=0

After a long concept-art binge a short while ago, I decided to create a pack of custom-designed fighter jets (stills from Ace Combat Infinity/7 were a major inspiration).


The goal was to have each individual design (both in stock and with a weaponized BDA version) be not only highly functional, but also look spectacular in terms of aesthetics. I feel that I've managed to accomplish this goal. :) All the jets come in stock and BDArmory versions, though I will say that my loadouts are likely sub-par for the BDA ones (I advise you re-arm them to suit your preferences in that regard).

Every jet has these common Action Groups (the BDA versions have extra ones, and the Ronin has AG 3 bound to open/close the cockpit):

  1. Toggles engines on/off
  2. Toggles afterburners on/off

Without further ado, here's the 4 aircraft contained in this pack (which is accessible via the dropbox folder linked above):

// ATS-F MK-001 Shiva ///



A 2-seat Heavy Fighter/Interceptor (can be used as a Fighter/Bomber as well) with a proven track record of victories in BDA testing. The Shiva's the only aircraft in the entire pack to have never been damaged in AI dogfight tests.

// ATS-FX02 Ronin ///


Apologies for the BDA text there.

A fast, ultra-advanced air superiority fighter utilizing a unique custom cockpit design in which the pilot is encased in an armored shell and utilizes high-end glass cockpit/sensor fusion/VR tech to fly the jet normally.
(To use, control via the MK2 drone core in the fuselage. To seat a pilot, take a kerbal to the cockpit, move your camera inside, locate the command chair and put him/her into it.)
Features include supermaneuverability, top-notch aesthetics, a custom cockpit (that often will save the life of the pilot), and high performance overall. 

// ATS-FX03 Banshee ///



A blazingly quick, lightning-fast fighter capable of reaching Mach 1+ straight off the runway. The Banshee also is extremely agile and features superb durability and combat performance.

// ATS-K Polaris ///



A small, quick light multirole fighter designed to be deployed in squadrons. Capable of carrying a mix of light air-to-air and air-to-ground weaponry, it is quite capable of holding its own in contested airspace.



Edited by ScriptKitt3h
Added the ATS-FX04 Talon to the pack.
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5 hours ago, Iago said:

I really like the look of the Ronin!

Thanks, I spent a good bit of time working on it to nail the aesthetic I was shooting for.

5 hours ago, YoeriCookie said:

I love the infinite possibilities of the wings :D

Yup, wing parts are still some of the most versatile in the game.

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Since I just completed work on it today, and I released the pack yesterday, I figured I might retroactively add this fighter to it.

Meet the ATS-FX04, the Talon.


The second iteration of a prototype airframe, the FX04 is agile and has lightning-fast acceleration, and has proven itself in the latest combat trials I've run.


It also provides a large array of BDArmory munitions mounting and firing options for players who dislike being limited to AIM-9s and Hellfires. :P


As an example of the capabilities of the Talon, this FX04 airframe survived a direct series of hits from 20mm cannon fire to its central wing area, and went on to aid in downing the remaining hostile aircraft in the test scenario.

The Talon's craft file has been added to the pack's download folder. To grab it, follow the link to the DL folder at the top of the page.

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Just added a new variant of the Talon MKII- the "B" Variant, armed with a special laser weapon module on the top of the fuselage.


The addition of the laser weapon has made it the most lethal of all the fighters in the pack so far during testing.

Just as well, I have yet another jet I'm working on adding to the pack- the Revenant.


That jet will be added shortly pending flight tests and arming with BDA weapons, but the FX-04 MKII-B is now available from the main link at in the OP.

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  • 2 months later...
On 2016/6/22 at 6:08 AM, ScriptKitt3h said:

I have not tested these in FAR, though I don't think they'd be too difficult to get flying in it...

But I think the performance may be affected seriously

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Well, I don't know what to tell you other than that these jets were built in stock aero, and with stock parts (sans variants utilizing BDA). As such, there shouldn't be an immediate expectation that they should perform the same in any way, shape, or form under a different aerodynamic model.

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  • 4 months later...
This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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