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Mechanical Mouse Industries - Kethane & Payload Packs Released!!!


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New Development Thread

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  Dani-Sang said:

Kethane Plugin has been donated to "Majiir" who has the development skills to develop Kethane. I'm not able for the task anymore and I prefere it to give it to somebody else then let it die and neglect it. He will make a new thread about it in the near future. He will be the new owner of Kethane (he will still get to me for advice time to time).

I want to thank all the "fans" for supporting us and downloading all our pack. We recently reached the 26.000 downloads!

Payload pack & Satellite pack will stay in this thread and I - might - continue on those instead of Kethane.

Link to the new Kethane Thread: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/23979-Kethane-Pack-0-1-3-Find-it-mine-it-burn-it!-%28project-has-a-new-home%29

Overview of all MMI Mods, thx to Stimpy! Watch & Subscribe!


Team-members of MMI

  • Dani-Sang - Creative Side (Concept, Modeling, Texturing & Animations + Founder of MMI)
  • Kulesz - Plugin Developer
  • Barie - Dedicated Tester / Balancer
  • JohnnyD - Creative Side (Modeling & Texturing)
    We are not recruiting anymore




CURRENT VERSION: BETA 0.1 - 15th of August 2012 - Created by Dani-Sang & Kulesz

Note: Always remove old Parts and Replace them with newest version!!!

Required Plugins: MMI_Kethane(included with the file) - Sourcecode


Next Release: Full Release Kethane 1.0

We are currently working hard on the Kethane Plugin and we are looking at making a full release version with all the elements we dreamed off.

Everything is a work in progress and it isn't 100% if we are able to manage it, but we will try.


  • Rovers are going to be a part of Kethane expansion. (Manned ones are a possibility) (20%)
  • Integration of parts from Satellite Pack such as Lights, Landing Gears & other misc.(20%)
  • Migration to partresource/partmodule hierarchy. This will make Kethane ready for next generation parts & open more possibilities. This will also start off OpenSource project so that other people can use Kethane for their own creations. (Completed)
  • Changing the GUI for more userfriendly & solid use.(20%)
  • Scanning will be made easier
  • New parts (generators, engines, airfilters etc.) that will be easy to create due partresource system (10%)
  • Pumps will be able to transport RCS, Liquidfuel & Kethane (50%)
  • Some deposits will be at greater depth, so there will be a need for larger drills to reach them.(50%)
  • Pump Relays (allowing to send kethane from station to station with several pumps inbetween)(not sure if 100% possible) (10%)
  • And small bugfixing


Kethane is a gas based on the idea of Methane, however within this game we are changing it and make it a universal gas. We are planning to do a lot of stuff with it. Such as making it a special fuel which

works diffrent then Liquid, up to maybe terraforming planets? Who knows? In the next paragraphs I will tell you the process of finding Kethane and making it usefull for you.

Kethane is in abundance at Ninmus and at the Mün and there is little at our home planet. Kethane is generated randomly for every user and with every restart of a persistence file. In order to track it down you would need atleast a "Controller" and a "Sensor". Like ISAMapsat you send out a satellite to the celestial object and start looking for pockets of Kethane.

Ones you have found Kethane, you can send miners to the specific location to gather Kethane for personal use. Currently all Kethane pockets have a depth of 2m but that will change in the future ones we incorporate more miners. Sensor will also indicate the depth of each of those pockets. Kethane pockets will eventually dry out and you would need to move to a new pocket if you want to mine more.

But what can you do with this Kethane? Currently Kethane can be pumped to other vessels for which then can convert their fuel into RCS or Liquid Fuel (with a Converter obviously). In the next patch we will have also a Engine that runs on Kethane.

So go out, find a pocket, setup a remote mining base and refuel your rockets with the awesome power of Kethane.

Kethane parts:

  • Controller (the brains) - You need to use this part or other parts won't work.
  • Medium Sensor
  • Medium Converter
  • Medium Pump
  • Small Miner
  • FuelTank External (for now they are empty)
  • FuelTank 1m Regular (for now they are empty)
  • Small Engine (not included in this version, upcomming version it will)


  • RCS & Liquid Fueltank CANNOT be refueled when they are drained empty. We cannot fix issue, this is part of the game.
  • RCS bar indicator does not update properly like the liquid fuel tank. To fix this you need to give a RCS thrust pulse and it will be updated. We cannot fix issue, this is part of the game.
  • There can be a bug that something is not working properly, whether that be the pump, sensor, miner or anything else. Leave the vessel by going to the spacecenter
    and then go back to your vessel. Most of the time the issue will be fixed. (However this barely happens)
  • If you restart/delete a persistence file, then also remove the drawn maps + deposits.dat (which you can find within PluginData/mmi_kethane/) or there is a chance that the mod won't work properly.
  • If all above does not describe your problem or bug, then please a proper bug report so we can replicate it AND fix it.
  • "invalid part configuration" happens when you don't have a Controller fitted OR have more then 1 of the following: Sensor & Converter.
  • Don't have 2 controllers fitted at the same time, they will work against eachother.
  • There is a bug where you have to redraw the maps, this is a bug that ISA mapsat has too and we are looking into solution.
  • There is a possibility that the Kethane Scanner & ISAmapsat & Mechjeb are interfering with eachother and making the game unplayable. (This doesn't seem to be a issue of plugin but the game itself)




CURRENT VERSION: 1.01 - 19th of August - Created by JohnnyD

No plugins required.


Payload Commentary

Payload pack gives you the ability to create a wide variation of different payload fairings with the a small amount of parts.

Pack Contains:

  • 1m -> 2m Adapter
  • 2m -> 2m Adapter
  • 2 Side Fairings
  • 3 Top Fairings


  • Payload fairings don't seem to be able to have symitry option availible. We are looking into this issue

1.0 First Release


Symmetry bug release




CURRENT VERSION: 1.0 - 8th of August - Created by Dani-Sang

Note: Always remove old Parts and Replace them with newest version!!!

Required Plugins: PowerTech + MuMech Solarpanels & MuMech (MechJeb)


Satellite Pack is not being build upon more and won't be updated for future versions. Most of it's models can be found back @ Kethane pack or external resources such as Kreuzung's energy plugin.

This pack will remain downloadable but take in count that it will drop off the face of the earth ones new patches come in and making this pack obsolete.

If solar panels don't work please check this post:


Whats in the Pack?:

- External Fuel tanks: RCS, Liquid & Battery Energy

- 3 Different Bare hulls

- Solar Panels

- Satellite Dish

- Ion Engine

- Satellite Command Module

Since v1.0

- Landing Legs

- Small Liquid Fuel Hull

- RetroThrusters



- If solar panels aren't working, You are forgetting the Powertech-Mumech adapter plugin. Direct Download link --> http://www./?99l9b9w291idg9g

- "This part type isn't available in this version of KSP" ---> you forgot to download plugins.

- In order too make the External Liquid Fuel Tank work is to put a fuel line on it and then to a hull. No solution available atm. I'ts how the game works.

- For everyone that doesnt see the glow effects on the parts, try turning off fallback part shaders in the game settings menu(it needs a game restart to take effect)

- Batteries "Die" when they are drained empty. No solution at this moment, its an issue of the plugin. Can't fix it.

- Don't block the path of the landing engines or make other stuff intersect with it, you will make your vessel crash!



Nobody is allowed to copy models in anyway or modify them for their own use.

We will have a specific opensource thread (link above) about what you are able to use and what not.

Plugin(s) have a different license based on GPL and can be found within the sourcecode of the plugin(s).

Edited by Dani-Sang
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  Dani-Sang said:

With MMI I\'m going to create the first pack based purely on Satellites & Probes (any unmanned vessel basicly).

Really interested to see try your mod when it comes out but I do believe Nova\'s Probodyne space pack was one of the first pure satellite & probes parts. That being said what you have in the dev thread so far looks great and it looks like you\'re going to go more in depth with satellite and probe parts than anyone else has so far.

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That is incredible. Very sweet looking parts! Any chance for a proper space telscope?

You could make it work with the Camera Plugin :)

Edited by Ted
Fixed Spoilers
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  DeCi said:

That is incredible. Very sweet looking parts! Any chance for a proper space telscope?

You could make it work with the Camera Plugin :)


It is on my list of things to do :)

Edited by Ted
Fixed Spoiler.
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I just got one in an Orbit around Kerbin and Next in an Orbit -> The Kerbal-SpaceLab with some Parts of your Pack =D


Can´t wait for more Parts =D. Oh and can you do an Engine/Ion Engine (with External Batteries and Xenon tanks) for Deep Space Missions ? Oh and maybe a little version of the external tanks too ? Because if you only want to use the Pod, Small Hull and the Sat Dish, the external tanks are too long.


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  AveXx said:

I just got one in an Orbit around Kerbin and Next in an Orbit -> The Kerbal-SpaceLab with some Parts of your Pack =D


Can´t wait for more Parts =D. Oh and can you do an Engine/Ion Engine (with External Batteries and Xenon tanks) for Deep Space Missions ? Oh and maybe a little version of the external tanks too ? Because if you only want to use the Pod, Small Hull and the Sat Dish, the external tanks are too long.


Thats awesome :D,

Regarding Electrical Energy & Related Propulsion is also in the planning. But I first going to wait until my buddy re-writes his plugin before I implement that.

Sad news atm is tho that I\'m on my old computer now since the new one crashed for the second time and has to be send for repairs again. So I don\'t have acces to my files of stuff that I already created. I will still model on this computer, so go to development thread if you want to see some progress, since progress won\'t be seen here.

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  iJosshh said:

Looks really cool, I\'ll give it a try tommorow. I love the textures in this mod so how long did it take to do them?

Really depends, the easy stuff I did in 15min. The hard stuff takes me a hour.

Glad you like it

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I\'ve made some parts for upcomming versions. Here you have a video about 4 of the parts (2 for the cargo hauler).

Upcomming Parts

Further I modeled:

- 2x Lights

- Regular Engine

- Ion Engine

- Antenna

- Remodelled External Battery and added Battery Hull.

Will start doing the texture soon.

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  Kreuzung said:

Cool animations! I always wanted to have a reusable payload fairing ;D

And when are you going to respond to my private message XD? And also, it isn\'t really re-usable, well, depends how you want to use it. You can use it just to protect your satellite during the absent, but it could be also a part of a satellite itself. The cone will shoot off in the distance, that is a decoupler.

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