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Everything posted by AveXx

  1. I hope its doesnt get to that point. And while its a bummer that KSP1 (atleast it seems that way) will never have a worthy successor, I want to say Thanks to all the Moderators and the dev teams we had and to all the great people on this Forum and especially all the Modders. YOU are what made KSP 1 what it is today, i have been there since 2013, when i bought the game, and it has been a very awesome time, playing the game, seeing all the mods come and go, get updated or continued by someone else. And i am very grateful to all of that, It was, and hopefully will continue to be, a awesome experience. Thanks for that. *Saluts*
  2. i thought CKAN would delete all old stuff and install new. Anyway i did it manually and now it works.
  3. There was a rescale patch at some point ? So i guess i should delete the BDB Folder and install new? or was that another folder, because i cant remember installing something like that. hmmm
  4. yeah but this is what happens when i build it or when i load the included craft File. And until now i cant figure out why it comes to that
  5. hmmm i have a problem with the Apollo/Saturn Parts don't fitting for some reason. Meaning the Node of the Interstage e.g. being too high so that the 1st Stage tank goes in the Interstage. Same with the other parts. Could this be a problem with other mods like Tweak scale or something. I Installed ~90% of the mods i have installed through CKAN.
  6. Could you pls add Tweakscale support to your parts. Would be awesome because as much as i like this some things are too big for what i want to do with them =P.
  7. Thx for this awesome Mod. Made me a Little Dream Chaser like Spacecraft to get to LKO Stations (launched on top of my Delta IV Heavy replica. Flies very good =P
  8. Nice update but i have one Major Problem. If i use the new tanks it keep "crashing". And with "crashing" i mean that if i build up my Rocket with the new Tanks and Engines attached to another the Display keeps Black or well my Rockets "burns" and i can not Launch it from the Launch Pad.
  9. Well that looks damn good. Will this be 2m in diameter ?
  10. Well thats what i did. But when i get on the Launchpad the Solid Rocket Booster changes to the Liquid one that comes with the mod. Funny thing is that, when it is changing back to the Liquid one it contains Solid Fuel, but it is using the Liquid one.
  11. Question: Is it possible to change the CFG of these Boosters from being a Liquid Fuel Booster to being a Solid one ??? Why i would do that ? Well i like solid more =D But well because i tried that but at launch the Solid one became a Liquid one.
  12. I´m building something similar to what NASA would have done. in my case i´m using 3 Nuclear Engines. Everyone of them producing 12 KN´s of thrust and the Vehicle do have a Delta V of ~ 3940 ms. But well i didn't tested it yet. Maybe i will change the Engines later but well almost 4000 ms are OK =D
  13. Could you do a Texture Pack =D This is so amazing !
  14. No it is not KJR. I deleted the files and nothing changed. And the same with struts. I can strut this pod like hell and this is happening.
  15. Sry for double Posting this image but i want to ask if there is any solution for this problem. I want to use my Shuttles again =(
  16. Heyho Could someone please help me This is only happening with S2 Reusable Pod, S3 and MK 2/5 is OK.
  17. Help i do think that there is a bug with 0.23. Because without your mod this dosen´t happen
  18. Heyho, ATM i´m building the Dream Chaser. It´s not ready yet because of balance problems at reentry but well i will try to get rid of them as fast as possible =D.
  19. Well i do have the Parts in the game. But how does it work there should appear a button or not ? There is nothing.
  20. I had this problem too.(in my case) I found out that it have to do something with the position of the front gear. I moved it more to the back and than it worked.
  21. Thanks for this awesome Mod. Because of this mod i build my 1st real SSTO Shuttle =D Is is called Valkyrie can ,take off and land on runway and is capable of reaching < 150 Km Orbit. Oh and very cool this new "F22 like" Jet engine.
  22. Someone Knows how to fix this little issue with the new version of ksp ? because know you can select a flag but the icon of the subassemblyLoader is on top of it.
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