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Mechanical Mouse Industries - Kethane & Payload Packs Released!!!


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A little Update how my progress is going. Satellite Parts are ready, now building upon the Payload.

Everything is finished what I want to re-release and will be within a day or two ones .16 comes out.


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  GabrielG.A.B.Fonseca said:

Holy moly ravioli! :o

This is awesome! :D


Witch 3D modeling software you use?


Cinema 4D - I\'m a motion designer and that is the tool of choice for most who do the same proffesion.

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Those are some sweet looking models.

I might be mistaken but i think i should point out that mumech based batteries do not recharge once depleted.

Otoh you did not (yet) utilize the advantage of mumechvariableengines: they can use on more than one type of fuel at the same time, allowing for a realistic ion engine that runs not on electricity alone but also uses a small amount of reaction mass.

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  zYnthethicz said:

My number 1 satellite pack. :D

Also, the glow, is that just texture or some kind of effect?

Emissive Texture based on a black/white image, and thx :D

  rkman said:

Those are some sweet looking models.

I might be mistaken but i think i should point out that mumech based batteries do not recharge once depleted.

Otoh you did not (yet) utilize the advantage of mumech_variable engines: they can use on more than one type of fuel at the same time, allowing for a realistic ion engine that runs not on electricity alone but also uses a small amount of reaction mass.

I\'m aware of that. If you check my Future parts link... (relinked here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AhceTVoEDTZ3dHAwZGU2S05zbkJpcS01YXl6ejZLR0E#gid=0 )

I\'ve got ArKon (based on Argon) who can be used as secondary fuel. But currently I\'m keeping it simple. But that is something I might change in the 'near' future.

The fact that fuels run out and can\'t be refueled again is something I need to discuss with r4m0n. He is working on a updated version. So in the meanwhile, little patience :D.

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