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Mechanical Mouse Industries - Kethane & Payload Packs Released!!!


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That is good. I know it "could" be pretty simple to add in for the next update but is it possible to add a 'Fuel Relay' Part when if the relay is 99m from the pump, then another relay with 99m of that, you could relay the fuel to longer distances. This could work by simply extending the range of the craft finder or by going a more complicated route and detecting any craft within 100m or EVERY relay.

What do you think?

Good Idea, I like that one.

I will note it down and ask kulesz to what extent this is possible.

+ I'm off to bed.

Edited by Dani-Sang
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Good Idea, I like that one.

I will note it down and ask kulesz to what extent this is possible.

+ I'm off to bed.

Have a good sleep :)

Just a little helpful but of information for you, the EXACT bug from earlier is definately to do with mechjeb....

My conclusion comes from the fact i went to try and end flight a second time on my craft that i had to ctrl + alt + del on earlier and my mechjeb module and UI had totally gone. ISA map sat and Kethane were still left on the craft though, flew around gathering a bit of data, returned to space centre fine, did that a few times, no problems whatsoever.

Hope this helps :)

For now to anyone reading this I would suggest doing things the old fashioned way until the makers of this mod can figure out if the issue is on their end OR mechjebs :)

Nunite all!!

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ALSO before i forget, could you please consider adding the ability to zoom in the map a little? Maybe you can do it so you can only zoom in when you aren't actively scanning, thus keeping finding pockets difficult but not TOO difficult. Trying to figure out the position from such a small map is very difficult. Thanks :)

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To replicate, install mechjeb 1.9.1, isamap sat 3.1.0 and kethane, launch into orbit and try to go back to space centre..........

i use MechJeb 1.9.0 together with ISA Map Sat 3.1.0 and Kathene first release together without a problem, could you test again going back to MechJeb 1.9.0 ?

...maybe the problem is MechJeb change related.

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FYI, the problems reported in the last two pages also occur when the kethane mod isn't used. I've had exactly the same problems when using several mods combined with the FuelTransfer mod. Although that doesn't mean that the kethane code couldn't contain something which interacts unfavourable with a modded KSP 0.16, it makes it more likely that the kethane mode isn't to blame. (I have check more to give a more detailed comment).

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I haven't read the whole thread, but my kethane 'map' shows when a 'detector' is present but is blank when the detector is not on the craft. Can the map show the explored parts if the controller is available and not make that dependant on the kethane detector?

Long story short - let the map show every time a controller is on the craft, and not every time a detector is on the craft.

Seem with "last detected". This shouldn't magically disappear when the sensor is removed from the craft. Thx. :)

Edited by togfox
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I haven't read the whole thread, but my kethane 'map' shows when a 'detector' is present but is blank when the detector is not on the craft. Can the map show the explored parts if the controller is available and not make that dependant on the kethane detector?

Long story short - let the map show every time a controller is on the craft, and not every time a detector is on the craft.

Seem with "last detected". This shouldn't magically disappear when the sensor is removed from the craft. Thx. :)

It SHOULD work like that already. If you have a controller, you always have access to the map of the celestial object you are nearest. There is a problem sometimes (Like ISAMap) that map goes fubar and we are still trying to identify the problem.

Last detected will be removed in the next version and a better control of the coordinates system will replace it.

FYI, the problems reported in the last two pages also occur when the kethane mod isn't used. I've had exactly the same problems when using several mods combined with the FuelTransfer mod. Although that doesn't mean that the kethane code couldn't contain something which interacts unfavourable with a modded KSP 0.16, it makes it more likely that the kethane mode isn't to blame. (I have check more to give a more detailed comment).

It seems so, I just started a second clean install and had it myself with no mods installed. I'm going to consider this a game bug and not a plugin bug.

Edited by Dani-Sang
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Nein. It does not. Or at least mine does not. What is the best way to demonstrate this or let you debug it? Screenshots? Persistence file? plugindata files?

Screenshot + Within plugin data files the celestial object image map in question.

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Thx for the info, will talk with r4m0n.

FYI, ddavis was crazy enough to let his computer run for 40h (while he was away) and scan the surface at 1x speed. This is his result: http://i.imgur.com/IACyC.jpg

I left mine going last night at 5x warp and got pretty much the exact same result on the mun. Going to design a craft to take me there and mine later :)

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thats a good idea, cause i think the slower pump transfer time is more realistic instead of simply beaming it instandly over and would fit better into the module, but i also prefer fuel hoses instead of a laser lines.

...on the other hand, i like the tank selection possibilitys (also for internal fuel xfer`s from reserve tanks whitch are not connected directly).

Edited by Gusty
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As for the "cant return to space center bug":

Happened to me after EVA with MJ "kill rot" activated. Workarround: Doubliclick another Craft on your Map > Space center > return to your original craft > bug gone.

Seems like the game somehow thinks your vessel is still under acceleration and thus doesn't let you use the return button. Not sure if this has anything to do with kethane.

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It took some some adjustments to make it hold up in transit and land in one piece, but finally got it there.



It holds about 2800l of kethane, and handles pretty well driving for its weight. The camera works well for navigating since it can rotate and pivot.

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Sorry, but, Kethane confuses me especially the scanner and miner.

Are the white dots on the detection screen Kethane pockets?

Why when I click deploy miners it doesn't mine? Do I need a Kethane tank to deploy the miners?

white dots are empty, green dots is kethane.

Ofcourse you need a kethane tank if you want to mine... where else do you want to store the kethane?

Plugin is still in beta, massive improvements on interface will come next update.

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First Minimus Mining platform

very very difficult to find gas pocket in Minimus


Thx good, 11L fuel after landing))


Experemental mining craft "Wasp"


crash to surface Mun (((((

Edited by BobCat
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I am really loving this - the ability to mine, refine, and resupply is something I was looking forward to!

One oddity I've noticed (I apologize if this has already been discussed) is that the scanning map is kinda... upside-down. I have only tested scanning on Minmus so far, so this may be limited to there. Points scanned with negative latitudes show up in the upper half of the displayed map rather than the "southern" half.

Also, there was a potential enhancement I was wondering about - could the kethane converter also refill MMI batteries or Zoxygene batteries with "energy" and "power" fuel types?

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There is one thing I just noticed: The radial mounted batteries of the satellite pack have a mass of 0.65MU. So far, so good. But why do they have a dryMass value of 0.01 and get lighter when drained? Did you forget to put dryMass also to 0.65 or is this actually a feature (which is unlikely)?

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