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Mechanical Mouse Industries - Kethane & Payload Packs Released!!!


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Kethane seems to be working for me so far, I haven't tried extracting YET, but the greyed out items became available as I added more plugins I remembered being associated with it. Here's my list:


MuMechLib.dll (1.9.2 )




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The solar panels for the satellite pack don't seem to work properly anymore. Apparently they work under certain circumstances, there's sometimes a short burst of activity when they're pointing at the exact right direction. But 99% of the time, they don't have any energy output at all.

Does anyone know if and when this will be fixed and whether it's PowerTech or MMSatellites which needs to be updated?

I'd be really glad about a reply because now, with the new planets, I need working ion engines for my probes more than ever ;)

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  SyrusDrake said:
The solar panels for the satellite pack don't seem to work properly anymore. Apparently they work under certain circumstances, there's sometimes a short burst of activity when they're pointing at the exact right direction. But 99% of the time, they don't have any energy output at all.

Does anyone know if and when this will be fixed and whether it's PowerTech or MMSatellites which needs to be updated?

I'd be really glad about a reply because now, with the new planets, I need working ion engines for my probes more than ever ;)

I noticed the issue with the panels too, so I sat a probe on the launch pad and warped time... eventually half of the panels (The ones that could angle toward the sun) started recieving power. As time went on, they stopped getting powered after sundown as expected, then as the sun came up, the same half started getting power again. As the sun came overhead all but a couple panels recieved power, then when I reached 24 hours after launch, the power stayed there as long as the sun was up. So they do work as far as my ground experiments go, but not all and I'm not sure what's screwing with them.

They are very twitchy in space now that have it up there. It's the only thing keeping me from probing further from minmus XD

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  Dani-Sang said:
Mod is obviously not ready for .17.. we are currently both busy with our fulltime jobs and both working more then 12h a day. But we are still working hard to get our full release of kethane. Please be patient.

don't worry, none of us were complaining. You know we just have to fiddle with things in the mean-time to see if we can duct tape a solution until the official update comes out :D

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I'm going to try to release today a new pack which is based of the satellite pack. Which will be the electrical energy pack based of Kreuzung's energy plugin. Everything is almost finished, just need to code the .cfg properly. I'm giving this today a priority cause it seems loads of people are having problems with the solar panels and batteries.

EDIT: I said today, but I'm not even sure if the plugin works in .17, lets hope so.

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  prullenbak said:
Awesome mod, literally had to pick my jaw off the floor.

I can mine Kethane just fine on the Mün on 0.17. Not sure about other planets/moons though. Can't even get there (in one piece).


I'm currently surveying Eve for Kethane, so far without success. I hope I find some, otherwise my grand plan to use Eve as a fuel station is crushed :-(

EDIT: Been finding the first pockets of Kethane on Eve now, now I need an ISA MapSat to do an overlay :-)

Edited by badimo
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Thick atmosphere and greater gravity. You want to use as little fuel as possible getting out of the planet's gravity well. Also, a fuel depot should (usually) be between your destinations. In orbit around the planet you land on the most would be best. One refuel before landing, one again after achieving orbit.

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  badimo said:
I'm currently surveying Eve for Kethane, so far without success. I hope I find some, otherwise my grand plan to use Eve as a fuel station is crushed :-(

EDIT: Been finding the first pockets of Kethane on Eve now, now I need an ISA MapSat to do an overlay :-)

You should be careful with that, I think the Kethane Scanner generates the map upside down. Lasttime I looked at that I was on the upper half of the planet and the line was drawn on the lower half.

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  WoodenBiplane said:
Thick atmosphere and greater gravity. You want to use as little fuel as possible getting out of the planet's gravity well. Also, a fuel depot should (usually) be between your destinations. In orbit around the planet you land on the most would be best. One refuel before landing, one again after achieving orbit.

Perhaps Duna would be better suited? I'll probably build Kethane mines on both :-)

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