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Need help on moving the "Viewpoint" or camera

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Ok, I've picked thru some of the source code for mods like "HullcamVDS" and DennyTX's "Docking Camera", but I'm a bit lost.

Both mods are STUNNING in what they bring to the table, but for me they bring too much.  HullcamVDS gives us those cool views like when you watch a SpaceX launch live + a full screen KURS like view for docking.  DennyTX's Docking Camera gives us a full on popout window with KURS (and then some) HUD, but I want something more primitive...

I want to simply have a full screen view with the viewpoint at x/y/z relative to a parts origin.  I want to put the players eyeballs right outside the docking port door.  That's it.  No overlays, no data on screen like KURS, just looking.

See I've already got the optical parts for COAS in place, I just need to be able to move the viewpoint and I have no idea how that's done.



I've got the DOCKING TARGET and the COAS GENERATED RETICLE IMAGE, what I want to do is code a plug in for the ASTRONAUT'S EYE, so to speak...

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7 hours ago, tg626 said:

Why have I never heard of this MOD?

I presume this was a rhetorical question, but on the off-chance it wasn't, probably the same reason that most people haven't heard of the majority of mods.  There are a lot of mods about and, while some are very popular and virtually anyone getting into mods hears of them quite quickly, others are a lot less so and people only tend to find them when they go specifically looking for them.

In this case, I am a bit surprised that you didn't search the Add-on Releases forum for threads with camera in the title... ;)

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