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[1.3.0] Kerbalism v1.2.9


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Hi just a question, why this mod broken the comm in game ?

I no longer have the communication bar at the top left with this mod in KSP 1.3


Edited by mickey
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I just updated to 1.3.1, and in the VAB / SPH I cannot find the "Kerbalism" tab with the storage tanks for food/water and oxygen/nitrogen/etc...

Kerbalism is working (e.g. the pods show oxygen reserves, the comm system is changed, and also the short-range antenna and geiger counter are there). Just the entire tab with the life support tanks appears to be missing? 

Any tips?

I am not sure that adding a save game will help, as it happens in both my current games (a sandbox and a career game, one of which was copied from my 1.3 game, and one was started fresh).

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On 10/6/2017 at 2:27 PM, lordcirth said:

Source?  It used to be.

I'm speaking from experience and I've seen it mentioned in this thread before. Perhaps it does work now, but in the Kerbalism support folder within the Kerbalism folder there is no support cfg file, so I'm basing my assumption on that. 

8 hours ago, LupinoArts said:

Hi. Is there a comprehensive list of mods known to not work with Kerbalism? I know of MKS/OKS and CommNet Constellations for sure. Are there others?

Best bet is to have a look at the support folder in Kerbalism and see which are supported and deduce which aren't from that.  

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OK quick question here, I hope. I've got a semi-custom planet. My Kerbals can walk around on the surface without any oxygen or CO2 issues, as they should. But how do I make oxygen and nitrogen available to the Atmospheric Fluid Spectro whoosiewhatis scoop? It reads Abundance: None whether set to N2 or O2.

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22 hours ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

OK quick question here, I hope. I've got a semi-custom planet. My Kerbals can walk around on the surface without any oxygen or CO2 issues, as they should. But how do I make oxygen and nitrogen available to the Atmospheric Fluid Spectro whoosiewhatis scoop? It reads Abundance: None whether set to N2 or O2.

You would need to add a planetary resouce for your planet. Heres an example for nitrogen for kerbin:

  ResourceName = Nitrogen
  ResourceType = 2
  PlanetName = Kerbin

    PresenceChance = 1000
    MinAbundance = 78
    MaxAbundance = 78
    Variance = 0

Just create a new cfg file and copy and paste this into it, changing Kerbin to your planet's name.


On 10/8/2017 at 1:29 PM, Nathangun said:

I'm speaking from experience and I've seen it mentioned in this thread before. Perhaps it does work now, but in the Kerbalism support folder within the Kerbalism folder there is no support cfg file, so I'm basing my assumption on that. 


Kerbalism does not directly support remotetech. However, remote tech does still work if you disable the signal systems for kerbalism. In the settings.cfg, disable the signal variable to let remote tech handle connection.

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@ShotgunNinja , I'm having a strange problem. I cannot transfer Water resource between vessels connected via KAS pipe from a Kerbalism food/water container. I can transfer anything - food, oxygen,  fuel, but not water.  Here's a screenshot:


Is this a known issue? Is there any work-around?


EDIT: Quicksaving and quickloading fixed it for some reason. Sorry for the false alarm!

Edited by aluc24
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I just did a clean install of 1.3.1 (Linux), and installed only Kerbalism and the Module Manager (2.8.1, which is the latest I can find).

I really must be missing something, since I am the only one asking this now... But where is the Kerbalism tab in the VAB gone to?

Kerbalism works. The food/water/oxygen/shielding are all there. The geiger counter is there, and so is the small antenna. But just no new tab with Kerbalism parts.


Sorry for posting twice (previous one was Sunday) - I thought that a picture would explain my problem better.

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I've got the same problem as Magzimum.

Existing game (save) doesn't have Kerbalism parts menu in VAB


Neither does new game but otherwise Kerbalism is working. Saved ships and sub-assemblies do have Kerbalism parts.


Food, Water and Oxygen do deplete on manned vessels. (I expect crew die if they run out of those too.)

You can see I have a few other mods installed. The part-related ones are Ven's Stock Part Revamp, Procedural Parts and TweakScale. I've removed all 3 for a new sandbox game and it doesn't help.

Edit: It was working fine before KSP 1.3.1 update.


Edited by Vila Restal
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30 minutes ago, Ginlucks said:

Hi all, 

Is there a way to disable food and water needs in order to use this mod with  TAC? 

You can copy the Profile/Default.cfg file and remove the life support rules... but I'm not sure why; what key thing do you want that TAC has and Kerbalism doesn't?

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2 hours ago, lordcirth said:

You can copy the Profile/Default.cfg file and remove the life support rules... but I'm not sure why; what key thing do you want that TAC has and Kerbalism doesn't?

Thx for answer.

for example I saw that containers and recyclers from TAC are not working.  Not 100% sure but I think that also containers from Universal Storage mod are not working with kerbalism. Correct me if I am wrong

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15 minutes ago, Ginlucks said:

Thx for answer.

for example I saw that containers and recyclers from TAC are not working.  Not 100% sure but I think that also containers from Universal Storage mod are not working with kerbalism. Correct me if I am wrong

Universal Storage works with Kerbalism; but double-check your numbers, as some things are overpowered, like the US fuel cell.  And no, the containers from TAC probably won't work; just use the Kerbalism ones.

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19 hours ago, Vila Restal said:

[...] Saved ships and sub-assemblies do have Kerbalism parts. [...]

You're right!

I opened my old 1.3 (Linux), and made a ship of only Kerbalism parts. Then moved the save game to 1.3.1, and it just opens:

(For those who didn't read the above posts: These are the Kerbalism parts, but the tab on the left is missing... so I cannot grab these parts from the regular menu in 1.3.1 (Linux)...)


Oh well, I am gonna make subassemblies of these parts, and hopefully that will prove a workaround for now. I really like 1.3.1 better than 1.3, so would prefer to not go back to 1.3 anymore.

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@Vila Restal@Magzimum

Seems the custom category code is broken by the 1.3.1 update. Copypaste the following in a *.cfg file, and drop the file anywhere in your gamedata folder :

@PART[kerbalism-activeshield]:NEEDS[FeatureRadiation]:FINAL { @category = Utility }
@PART[kerbalism-gravityring]:NEEDS[FeatureComfort]:FINAL    { @category = Utility }
@PART[kerbalism-greenhouse]:HAS[@MODULE[*]]:FINAL           { @category = Utility }
@PART[kerbalism-chemicalplant]:HAS[@MODULE[*]]:FINAL        { @category = Utility }
@PART[kerbalism-container-*]:HAS[@RESOURCE[*]]:FINAL        { @category = Utility }
@PART[kerbalism-container-*]:HAS[@MODULE[*]]:FINAL          { @category = Utility }

I didn't test this (I'm still on 1.3) but his should add the missing parts to the stock "Utility" category. There may be other things that are broken by the 1.3.1 update, you should enable the debug info to see if there is any exception spam going on.

I hope @ShotgunNinja is still around to update the mod but according to his profile he hasn't been on the forums since august 7 and has shown no signs of activity on github since that time either.

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