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New Landing Gear issues, is it just me?


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2 hours ago, basic.syntax said:

You wrote 1.1... think you mean 1.05? Which configuration? With what I put together, legs attached to I-beam in v1.05 = tank falls over, joints act like rubber under the strain. (Pictures labeled [01, 02, 03] above)

Sorry yes I meant 1.05.. And no not ibeam attached but in that position, at that angle they could hold over 50t easily. Suspension took the weight.

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15 hours ago, DrMarlboro said:

At least from my playing with the LY-01/LY-10 gear, it seems to be a problem with the traction control. If I have traction on, then it will skitter/skate across the ground, increasing in speed if I increase control, and will stop if I turn it off. The problem there is with it off you slide all over the place now. I'm wondering if legs (since they are wheels now) behave in the same way, and have this traction control coded into them. And I don't know a thing about reading code so until someone who can chimes in I'll have to keep guessing. Still no clue why wheels/legs clip through the ground sometimes though. 

This.  Overriding the traction control and lowering the friction makes the gear nice and stable.  Only downside that with little/no friction on the wheels it's very easy for them to start rolling on their own if brakes aren't applied.

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The lyrics 01 and 05 wheels are broken atm. Every single aircraft I make, even super light ones blow up when I use these wheels. The craft spawns in, falls to the runway, bounces, settles down a bit.. then it's like the suspension goes absolutely crazy and the entire thing starts bouncing insanely until the wheels all blow up. Turning off the suspension seemed to fix that part of the problem, but still wasn't useable. As it gets up to speed to take off they still broke.

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Gentlemen, strutting to the LT-2s seems to stop the vibrating. It does not however stop the supreme weakness during landing of the legs. This is on a 50t lander using 8 LT-2s. Sometimes the legs do not accept struts, if so, place a part below the legs and strut to that. The strut will attach to the first part it hits which will be the legs.

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1 minute ago, Majorjim said:

Gentlemen, strutting to the LT-2s seems to stop the vibrating. It does not however stop the supreme weakness during landing of the legs. This is on a 50t lander using 8 LT-2s. Sometimes the legs do not accept struts, if so, place a part below the legs and strut to that. The strut will attach to the first part it hits which will be the legs.

I just tested, strutting the landing legs to the craft. I can confirm, that it totally stops the jittering.

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On 4/24/2016 at 10:32 AM, bewing said:

You all remember that 1.1 was originally scheduled for January? Do you understand that Squad has been working almost exclusively on landing legs and wheels for the last 3 months?

Which is why I find myself asking yet again why broken states of the game are being released. It's version 1.0 all over again. Issues that are sun-blindingly-obvious are being left on the cutting room floor for the sake of meeting an arbitrary deadline.

I mean, it's not like we're talking about some obscure bug that can only be repeated 5% of the time. We're talking about legs and wheels not working like they should (which removes half the appeal of the game right there). Even if the cause for why those parts aren't working properly is hard to pin down, the effects are pretty clear.

They should have just fixed it before releasing 1.1 honestly.

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How can you call extending the release date by 3 months "meeting an arbitrary deadline"? That's completely nuts. They delayed it as long as they thought they could, and when the game became playable and nobody could stand delaying it any longer, they released it.

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