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Anyone here launch a weather balloon?


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Recently, me and my friends launched a weather balloon about 1/3 of the way to space and got some really amazing footage.  Have any of you done the same? If you have, tell about your experience and share any pics/videos!



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Is that your video? looks pretty interesting although I am confused... What has the Jetstream I has to do with this one?

In any case, a while ago a friend of mine prepared a balloon to launch his Nexus 4. On the day of the launch I couldn't go, but my friend basically told me an eagle swoop by and popped the balloon as it was going up... we haven't tried since then.

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5 hours ago, rodrigoelp said:

Is that your video? looks pretty interesting although I am confused... What has the Jetstream I has to do with this one?

In any case, a while ago a friend of mine prepared a balloon to launch his Nexus 4. On the day of the launch I couldn't go, but my friend basically told me an eagle swoop by and popped the balloon as it was going up... we haven't tried since then.

Yes it is my video, and I was just showing the previous attempts we had tried before this one.


Well... at least you got a good story out of it! A video of that would probably go viral

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7 hours ago, Bill Phil said:

I haven't launched them myself, and they weren't exactly weather balloons, but I have helped launch a high altitude balloon.

They weren't by any chance made of tissue paper and utilized 'hot air' did they? Been there, done that, almost got in trouble for it.

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12 hours ago, FishInferno said:

at least you got a good story out of it! A video of that would probably go viral

The camera wasn't pointing on the right direction... all you can see is the latex of the balloon as the ground seems closer and closer :(

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12 hours ago, KerbalSaver said:

Out of curiosity, how expensive is this?

Depends what do you want to send up and how high. You can buy some balloon for $30 to $70... on these ones you could attach a Go Pro and a GPS beacon. The super high altitude balloon will lift up to 1.2kg and can cost $200 to $300, to these ones you could attach a camera, a raspberry pi to log a lot more stuff and a GPS beacon... I've seen good kits go for $700 to $800 (I don't think a kit would/will include the camera). You will also need some helium, but that is purchased on any party shop (the problem I have with this is that the helium is all lost from our planet)

@FishInferno should be able to confirm some of this

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