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And Just like that, all my money vanishes.


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So, I was hiring a bunch of Astronauts - and had like 1.2 Million funds.   

I hire like 6 of them fairly fast, and suddenly only have like 30,000 funds left over.


Did cost suddenly Skyrocket in the middle of hiring them?

To make matters worse - I dismissed them in hoping it would restore it...then forced the game shut to try and get an auto-save.

So, should I just say screw it and no longer bother with campaign mode now?   It's a huge nightmare trying to save up that money again.  

Okay - I checked something - the cost that it says to hire them?   Is NOT the real cost....it's charging me WAY more.

Edited by Tounces
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From the KSP wiki:

In career mode, hiring applicants requires Funds, at a quadratically-increasing rate for each additional hire. The formula for hiring cost is 150n2+12350n, for the nth hire. Note that the Original four are already hired by default, so n begins at 5. Depending on the upgrade level only a certain number of kerbonauts can be hired, but kerbonauts rescued will still join the roster even if the limit is reached.

Basically every Kerbal you hire costs more than the last. That way as your career game continues and you can pool more and more funds, the cost of hiring a new Kerbal remains significant.

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There is definitively a bug with the recruitement costs. The amount of Kredits deducted from your cash does not match what is displayed. Well, I'm playing in Hard mode, might be the reason. But still, it would be convenient to know the cost before hiring the next guy ! :D

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