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Interior Overlay


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I like it, great for a quick head count before undocking or staging (soyuz/shenzou-alike re-entry)

Super awesome with the mk1 cockpit, you can see the kerbal piloting your plane screaming his/her head off! :)

Edited by tg626
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I like the concept and, because I rarely fly IVA, I think it's a good way to appreciate the interior details.  However, Kerbals in the cutaway are inanimate objects.  In actual IVA, they're constantly moving around as shown on their portraits but in the cutaway, they're statues.  Once I get over looking at all the interior details, I start noticing this and it just seems creepy, so I never look at it for long.

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I do like it and for flying aircraft I think it looks pretty cool;


That is...until you bank or pan the camera under the craft and realise that you can see the overlay through all parts of the craft


But apparently this is a limitation of the way the overlay is done. It's not called and overlay for nothing, it is actually overlaid over the objects in the scene and can only be excluded by the part that it applies to. 

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I love it :D  Watching the expressions of my BadS pilots while the passengers are having a little wee in the back is the highlight of my flights. The portraits are good, but the contextual fear on their little faces is so much more entertaining.


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