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KSP 1.1.2 Thanks squad


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  On 4/30/2016 at 6:57 PM, Mjp1050 said:

OK, why did the small landing gear revert back to 1.0.5? (also, where do I report bugs?)


You report bugs here.

However, this isn't a place where you can drop a one-liner and leave. if you want your bug report to be taken seriously, be prepared to write an actual report - in other words, make sure you can reproduce the bug, then list reproduction steps. List all effets of the bug. List all attempts you have made to fix it, and their effects (if any). be precise about the exact build number your problem occurred on, about your operating system, whether or not you ran the 64 bit version and so on and so forth. And you should probably keep checking daily on your report if there are any requests for additional information that you can provide.

For starters, I recommend you try to completely uninstall KSP, and redownload it fresh. Historically, updating an existing KSP installation has never been completely smooth, and sometimes, things would break. Perhaps things simply broke for you during patching. The fix is uninstalling and redownloading fresh.


Edited by Streetwind
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  On 4/30/2016 at 7:03 PM, royying said:

Are you using patcher to update?

I found that it will rewind some parts to old version.


Yes, I did use the patcher. It worked fine for me when updating to 1.1.1, so I thought it was stable.

  On 4/30/2016 at 7:16 PM, Streetwind said:

You report bugs here.

However, this isn't a place where you can drop a one-liner and leave. if you want your bug report to be taken seriously, be prepared to write an actual report - in other words, make sure you can reproduce the bug, then lsit reproduction steps. List all effets of the bug. List all attempts you have made to fix it, and their effects (if any). be precise about the exact build number your problem occurred on, about your operating system, whether or not you ran the 64 bit version and so on and so forth.

For starters, I recommend you try to completely uninstall KSP, and redownload it fresh. Historically, updating an existing KSP installation has never been completely smooth, and sometimes, things would break. Perhaps things simply broke for you during patching. The fix is uninstalling and redownloading fresh.



Thank you for the link. I'll try re-installing KSP.

And I am aware that updating KSP is rarely smooth, but how did updating the game actually revert a part back to 1.0.5? 

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Aircraft wheels seem to work a LOT better now. I was able to take off and land and everything.

ETA: Except... the plane still veers out of control when taking off, for no apparent reason. So, they're stronger, and don't break as easily, but for some reason cannot keep going straight on some aircraft (and yes, I checked to make sure they're straight).

Edited by RocketBlam
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  On 4/30/2016 at 8:16 PM, RocketBlam said:

Aircraft wheels seem to work a LOT better now. I was able to take off and land and everything.

ETA: Except... the plane still veers out of control when taking off, for no apparent reason. So, they're stronger, and don't break as easily, but for some reason cannot keep going straight on some aircraft (and yes, I checked to make sure they're straight).


I found the same issue with my space plane. I was able to overcome it with friction controls I made a video for it here. Hope it helps



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I was enthusiastic about 1.1.0. I had severe, and weird, problems with 1.1.1, even with stuff not related to gears or legs. Spent yesterday evening trying to get a large launch stack to fly that worked fine in 1.0.5 and 1.1.0. without success. I now suspect a problem specific to my installation, because if everyone would have had the same issues, this forum would have turned quite ugly.

So 1.1.2 shows up, said launch stack works perfectly again, and also everything else I've tested so far except one contraption that has insanely placed landing legs even by 1.0.5 standards. Fair enough. Happy with this.

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Yea my wheels on my beloved train are still only like 50% but it's at least good enough I can chock it up to "rebalancing" I might have to do some redesign if it remains at this level of strength, but at least now I can go around 20-30 instead of 10-20.

That's on my original design circumnavigating.  I'll also begin trials on the Enerstar Jet-train E7 to make up for these problems I guess.

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  On 4/30/2016 at 8:31 PM, Angelus2141 said:

I found the same issue with my space plane. I was able to overcome it with friction controls I made a video for it here. Hope it helps


Wheel friction should be based on the weight on the wheel (the Normal force) to auto compensate for this....... And I also still notice a phantom force to the left in the vid, causing the insability,.

Edited by Knaapie
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  On 4/30/2016 at 9:38 PM, Knaapie said:

Wheel friction should be based on the weight on the wheel (the Normal force) to auto compensate for this....... And I also still notice a phantom force to the left in the vid, causing the insability,.


All i know is when friction was set to auto I'd yaw so wildly id end up crashing. when changing the friction the yaw is reduced. On the craft in my video the front friction is set to zero as this allows me to steer while moving over the surface hence the slight yawing at the end of the runway. Where the force comes from I dont know. I just know this overcame it for me. If i had steering at the front I could have set front friction to max aswell and maybe had no yawing. The phantom force would probably still be present but wouldnt affect me. I have now altered the craft more. No middle wheel and two large front wheels and I dont see much of that force anymore at all even with front friction set to zero. at least in 1.1.2

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Funny that nobody is mentioning the resizable and movable navball? Very nice!

  On 4/30/2016 at 8:16 PM, RocketBlam said:

ETA: Except... the plane still veers out of control when taking off, for no apparent reason.


If you want to email me your .craft file (bewing0 at gmail) -- I'll take a shot at figuring out the reason. There are many honest reasons for a jet to veer, that are not bugs. My planes are working very nicely. Rebuilding some planes from scratch actually seems to make a difference, too.

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I finally got a few good hours in doing some interplanetary transfers and the new patched conics seems spot-on solid. It's what I always wanted the to be, and a joy to work with instead of a frustration now.

Thanks, Squad, and whomever specifically worked on them.

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