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I play KSP for 3 years now, but I have only had 4 missions beyond Minmus:

- a duna colony never to return

- an unmanned eve lander

- an unmanned Laythe plane

- a probe to escape the solar system


but I finally decided to do a BIG mission, with the 1.1 release. This is project JUPITER (Jool utter planetary investigation and thorough environmental research). It is the biggest vessel I have ever assembled, took over 15 launches altogether (more than 20 if you count the too-small-and-therefore-destroyed transferstage) . Sent 6 crew on a 7 year journey to Jool. And they actually made it back alive. Here is it's story:

can't get the titles to show up - view on IMGUR instead

It took me over a week to fly all of the launches and do all of the slingshots. I am so relieved now, that this mission is successful.

I also feel like an accomplished KSP player now


thanks for reading


Edited by Kamik423
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