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Spitfire PR MK VI and supermarine Walrus.

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Once i saw @RixKillian do a post about his Spitfire, that reminded me, i was supposed to do a separate post of my spitfire some time a go.

The Spitfire and Walrus replicas i will be posting here where created for @SaturnianBlue Battle of the Denmark strait project.

Lets start with the spitfire shall we.

And yes, i did actually land on the VAB roof without cheats or hyperedit.


Flying instructions:

During takeoff, push the nose down hard when you reach a speed of 23 m/s. If you don't do this, you will flip over and crash.

Same goes with flying, don't pull up too hard or fly too slow or, again, you will flip over. But, you can recover pretty fast.


Top speed: 110 m/s

Stall speed: 23 m/s

Length: 14.9m

Wingspan: 12m

Height: 5.1m

Mass: 9.5  tons

Parts: 165

I can safely say that this thing is pretty super manouverable, at least in terms of pitch. Roll on the other hand is very smooth and responsive.

It's also very stable with and without SAS on.


The Walrus on the other hand doesn't like to fly at all, so that's why it's just a static prop that can be placed on a catapult for decoration.

It has no engines and carries no fuel.



I was challenged to make this have as low of a part count as possible, that's why some bits are very simplified.


There it is for you, Two veterans of WW2 bot created by Supermarine. I hope you enjoy them :).

Mods: BD-armory for the cameras (removed from the downloadable version).

Download link (Spitfire): https://www.dropbox.com/s/ia84ztpjqxpcp3e/Spitfire%20PR%20Mk%20VI%20%28cameraless%29.craft?dl=0


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  On 5/5/2016 at 11:16 PM, Rath said:

The intakes on the engine make it look like a griffon variant.  @RixKillians had the same problem, but with the cause being a square ram intake.


Actually, it does, a little.

But, since i think that's the best way of insuring the cleanest and smoothest look for the engine, i'm not going to change that.

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