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Problem with resuming save games

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Hello everybody. As the title suggests I'm having problems with loading my saves / resuming any kind of game (career, sandbox etc.).

I use the steam version of the game and I had a problem with my SSD. It crashed and recovered all the files afterwards but then the save games in the main menu (the main menu after starting the game and not the loading menu inside of an actual career) didn't show up anymore. Instead the list is simply empty.

First I deleted Ksp (the folder entirely) and reinstalled Ksp. Didn't work. Then I reinstalled it on a different Hard Drive. Didn't work. Now I figured out that even if I create an entirely new game the saves don't show up anymore. The folders are being created in the Kerbal folder and I can also save and load games but as soon as I leave the game and try to resume it, the saves/career are not present. The cause for this is beyond my understanding.

Maybe you have any ideas what I could do. I don't really want to reinstall my whole computer! Thanks for your help. 

Edited by BigBA
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Sounds like either the folder is corrupted or read-only. With the SSD problems, I'd susupect corrupted.

I've never dealt with an SSD, but an old HDD trick is to rename the folder and create a new one. This forces your OS to put the files in a new spot on the SSD and not just go "Oh I'll reuse this area again."

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Yes, I also suspect the SSD to be damaged and I'm planning to replace it but I installed the game on another drive and the folders are being created correctly in "ksp/saves/" if I start a new career. Thus it can't be read-only. It's just confusing that this happens on two separate drives. I'll try to rename the folder though and see if it helps. 


Edited by BigBA
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Apparently the reason for the error was my career savegame folder. As soon as I deleted the persistent.sfs and renamed my quicksave.sfs to "persistent.sfs", all other careers including this one became visible again. Really strange. Must have something to do with the way Kerbal tries to read the savegames. Anyways! Problem solved. Thanks!

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