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[0.15 Stock] The Fat Man Plane Company needs YOU!

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This is my mid-range all purpose Plane, The Fat Man Turbo. It flies pretty stable and can go about 1/4th around the planet I think. I barely reached the North pole full throttle at about 14000m...


Barely satisfied I tried to improve upon that and build a successor, the Fat Man Superhaul.

I don\'t know if it handles or if it flies at all, more on that below.


Problem is now, while the turbo works, the Superhaul just collapses on the Runway no matter how many struts I place on it. Maybe I\'ve overdone it, maybe my machine cant handle it. I don\'t know.

Maybe someone with access to a computer more capable then mine can give it a try?

My gaming rig broke down with a dead Motherboard... Well after 8 years time was right for an update anyways. Only my bank account has a different opinion... bloody b****.

Anyways, craft files attached.

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The Superhaul needs more wheels to carry all the weight.

I downloaded it, added 8 sets of wheels near parts that would still break, and tested. It didn\'t break apart, but i didn\'t get it off the runway either due to it steering to the right very heavily (probably the fault of the wheels clipping into the runway or something)

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Aha! Well, while more wheels seem to help, and the steering issue can be fixed by repairing the the fuel line to the left right most engine (the symmetry tool messed that up or something) it still can\'t get off the ground... I went full throttle down the runway and the wing was ripped of because the thing was too heavy. At least I believe that happened, my fps was so low the plane was gone in 3 frames :o

Ah well, at least the Turbo works...

Edit: If anyone can get the Superhaul airborne, feel free to post. All improvements are welcome.

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Well, I built a big plane and named it Fat Man... It had the low altitude engines on it, those proved to be worthless in every regard. So I made a slightly modified version with turbojet engines and named it Fat Man Turbo. Easy.

A third variation with the spiked rocket engines named Fat Man Nitro was hilarious but also not very useable so I only posted the Turbo and the Superhaul that I cant get to work.

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cut the wings just past the engines and replace control surfaces, you have too much drag. lose the intakes since they dont do anything yet. add drag.

I suggest restarting from your Fat Man Turbo and adding engines along the aircraft body instead of on the wings. This way the wings will only have to worry about the lift instead of weight.

Either way, your aircraft seems to me to be on the lifty side of things. try even less engines AND less lift surface, use boosters on takeoff if necessary.

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  Sleepybean2 said:

Either way, your aircraft seems to me to be on the lifty side of things. try even less engines AND less lift surface, use boosters on takeoff if necessary.

I used a couple of SRBs on top of a spaceplane, but when I jettisoned them they glided for a while then fell on me =P

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I know that this doesn\'t solve your current problems, but try using the rocket type liquid fuel tanks. They carry much more fuel, granted they are much heavier for the fuel that they carry, but this is compensated for as you don\'t need as many of them to match your fuel requirements, and hence you don\'t have to deal with as much drag :)

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Yeah, I\'ve been experimenting with these designs on and off for the last days. More engines was kinda the whole point of the Superhaul so getting rid of them is not really an option, even though the plane can get airborne that way.

I want to go far in it, that means I have to go high, therefore I need a lot of lift and speed.

To do that, it seems you are better of building smaller fighter style aircraft...

I experimented with that and got a bit more range out of 1500kg fuel in 3 rocket tanks than I could ever hope to get out of the ~3000kg fuel on the Superhaul...

I still like flying the Turbo around, made it to KSC2 in about 30 or 40 min and did a smooth landing next to the VAB...

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  the_bT said:

I still like flying the Turbo around, made it to KSC2 in about 30 or 40 min and did a smooth landing next to the VAB...

nice :P never actually been to ksc2 probably going to be my next destination :)

my plane the globetrotter, named after the basketball team whom i know nothing about, flew all the way round kerbin and then about 2/3rds of the way to the north pole after that, some 4 and a half million meters, using only fl-t500 tanks 8) also the wing design you see in the picture seems to be quite efficient, give that a go as well, and don\'t forget to post back with any interesting developments :)

you should find it towards the end if page 7:


hope that I helped ;)

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