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SpaceDock vs. Curse


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Who thinks that SQUAD partnered with the curse network to exploit their profits? KerbalStuff was great, but I guess SQUAD was lobbying for it to be shut down, because it affected the profitability of mods. People use it because it was free, simple to use, and if wasn't terribly insistent on profits. Now that the descendant of KerbalStuff, SpaceDock, is up and running, SQUAD now insists that all mods be posted to the Cursforge repository. Join the rebellion and like this if you prefer space dock. Let's work together with modders to take the ruthless and profit-focused Curse empire down.

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 SQUAD now insists that all mods be posted to the Cursforge repository. 

No it doesn't, and never has. 


Join the rebellion... 

There's nothing to rebel against. 

Now that that's clarified. 

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