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Another KSP cockpit : "Kermander1000"


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"Kermander1000" ... another KSP kermand console cockpit thingy ! - Some time ago i wanted to build a control console for a farming simulator to drive tractors and combines, but kermanding a rocket is much more fun. While looking through possible solutions on how to extract data from KSP, i found the ready to use solution : KSPSerialIO (thx @zitronen )


This base frame has carried a flightsim cockpit for many years, hope its capable for space action:

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I have printed some panels with my 3D-printer, soldered some stuff and written some code into a MEGA.  I will build some single modules which will be assembled into a console. Some useful and some senseless displays will be available, some switches do work and some will not. Imagine confused and even tough successful Kerbonauts :)

The 'AnalogGauges2', 'StatusIndicator' and 'MasterIndicatorButton' (AG2, SI, MIND) are fully operational and already succeeded in many missions. The 'ActionGroupControl' (AGC) still needs soldering and coding work to be done. See the following pictures for an impression of my dirty workbench and the modules i'm working on :

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Could be that all those flashing lights could cause unwanted visual restrictions, i will add a 'No Light'-Switch somewhere :D



Edited by Gemini0915
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Well, you asked for it ...

... here it is ! :)



The MultiDataDisplay (MDD)

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The panel is a 3D printout which is just primed, giving the thingy a kind of used look (i don't like the smell of new plastic xD). Then i used some keybuttons with RG-LED illumination which i labeled with some pTouch labels. Note that the icons make sense or not (see below). The button contacts and LEDs are not wired yet, but will be wired together with the two 8digit 7seg LED-displays to two driver boards with a TM1638. A 20x04 character LCD shows additional data.


Detail explanation:

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A : hotgluedroplet (done by CrappyInstruments Ltd.)

B : scratches (Part has been used before, no warrranty)

C : U.F.O. (Unkown Forgotten Object)

1 : Airplane data

2 : Spacecraft data

3 : Consumables

4 : All broken PNP and all other broken PN junctions (!NPN)

5 : Planetary data

6 : Orbital data

7 : Navigation data

8 : car label or bird footprint logo (Until now no Kerbal knows what this key is made for (stay tuned ... ))

9 : Docking data (feature not available now)

10 : Umbrella (maybe useful when it rains, still in R/D)

11 : "Kermit phone home"-key (seems to be out of operation :confused: )

12 : "Home improvement" kit ( adds some decorative poster and flowers to your space habitat, also still R/D)


More confusing functions and modules will follow, next i need to build a main frame to assemble all this crap, desk space starts to be rare :wink:


P.S.: Seems that IAS has the same value like Vsurf, at least when flying a spacecraft

Edited by Gemini0915
P.S. added
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That meter looks very good, 3d print is a godsend. Doing things modular keeps each project manageable as well.

Out of atmosphere, IAS and surface velocity are identical. In atmosphere, they differ drastically. I use two 4x20 displays like the one you have, and I am writing a function to convert floats to a char array with a given number of significant digits and a metric prefix. I'll share once it does what it is supposed to, hopefully this week.

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That's a really nice build! Would be keen to see what information you're displaying in the different modes as well.

  On 5/24/2016 at 11:12 AM, Freshmeat said:

I am writing a function to convert floats to a char array with a given number of significant digits and a metric prefix. I'll share once it does what it is supposed to, hopefully this week.


That sounds similar to the EngNumber library I threw together for my controller. It converts numbers to engineering notation - scientific notation modified so the exponent is always a power of three - with a fixed number of significant digits.

Very little of that library is my code. It mostly came from a discussion on the arduino mailing list about enhancing the print code (see the readme for full attribution). So the inner loops are written in inline assembly and are scary fast. Right now it's hardcoded for four-digit displays, but I'd be happy to generalise it a little more if there's interest.

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Many thanks for your comments Freshmeat and stibbons !


  On 5/24/2016 at 11:12 AM, Freshmeat said:

Out of atmosphere, IAS and surface velocity are identical. In atmosphere, they differ drastically.


Well, normally IAS is measured by a pressure gauge and needs atmosphere to operate :wink: , but since this is much more a spacecraft sim than a flightsim, i don't mind this unnecessary wrong readout ... rockets ftw ! -  I will try next with a plane model, maybe that's it ¿?


  On 5/24/2016 at 11:12 AM, Freshmeat said:

I am writing a function to convert floats to a char array with a given number of significant digits and a metric prefix


That sounds interesting, i'm interested !


  On 5/24/2016 at 1:36 PM, stibbons said:

Would be keen to see what information you're displaying in the different modes as well.


... coming soon :wink:


  On 5/24/2016 at 1:36 PM, stibbons said:

Right now it's hardcoded for four-digit displays, but I'd be happy to generalise it a little more if there's interest.


Same here ... sounds interesting, i'm interested too. - A possibility to set the number of digits would be a very useful feature.


I'm already working on the next module beside of finishing the MDD, so stay tuned !

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  On 5/27/2016 at 1:33 AM, Combatsmithen said:

So this guy, is basically building a REAL LIFE IVA that he will use to fly VIRTUAL spaceships but like he is in the REAL THING


Exactly ... YES ! ... but what is the real thing ¿? - Is it flying an Atlas 9 or is it a Titan-II or is it a Saturn-V or a Jeb-7A ... so yes, flying unreal in an unreal world in a real seat feeling like it's real but still unreal ... i'm confused now :confused:


  On 5/27/2016 at 1:33 AM, Combatsmithen said:

You sir need to mass produce and sell these!


Hmmm ... maybe there will be a kickstarter project not just for KSP, a general control thingy :wink:




Project Progress Update :

I have built some more panels with a lot more switches and displays ... tooo many to assign to a function. That means that it doesn't matter how many functions you have ... there are always too less xxD. - However here are some pictures of new CrappyInstruments Ltd. nonsense :

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Code for the MDD is almost ready, still fighting against an unidentified wrong bitshift operation .. hope to find the bad code soon, so stay tuned for an update .

Edited by Gemini0915
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Project Update from CrappyInstruments Ltd. :

All modules incl. 80% code are done, no space on desk left, need to start to build the console (see one of the two pictures below (missing space(junior carpenter work waiting(i will fail)))) :confused: . - However, i've got some wood, some paint and a good insurance ... good to go ahead :uglylookingjebediah: . I also added a blurry picture of the systems overview circuit drawing, for silly people wanting to rebuild this sh.t i will add an updated version when HW/SW is working fine. So stay tuned (if you want xD) , more senseless crap will follow this senseless crap here ...




A : Fake wood (consists of 98% stainless steel and 1.8% fake wood and 0.2% chewing gum)

B : Part of a book shelf (without books)

C : WIndow for Kerbals to look out of their spacecraft (unfortunately no interfacing port at host computer available)

1 : Switch Panel 1 (SP1)

2 : Multi Data Display2 (MDD2) ; Still in R/D

3 : Status Indicator panel (SI) ; upper two rows are fake and not labeled (or maybe not ...)

4 : Joystick left (default translation)

5 : Master Indicator Button (MIND), Abort switch

6 : Throttle and Node panel (TM) ; BigFuelCutoff-Button with motorized throttle lever, Autopilot, Node data display

7 : Trackball (digital inpu thingy)

8 : Analog gauges 2 (AG2) ; unchanged HW since 1st manned kerbal space program '42'

9 : Joystick right (default rotation)

10 : Flight data panel (FD) ; shows some essential flight parameter data, MC-Recorder noise level indicator

11 : Multi Data Display 1 (MDD1) ; almost every data a kerbal needs to know to fly that crap

12 : WARP and MODE panel (WAMO) ; no fake functions available here, mission time indicator should be correct

13 : Analog Gauges 1 (AG1) ; some say that this is vogon technology, some say they got it at a gas station

14 : DC-Voltmeter for vintage tube indicator panel (nix nixie now)

15 : mechanical NAV-ball (final goal of the project [WIP])

16 : Action Group switch panel ((AG) not analog !)

17 : Power and Highvoltage control panel, MAster/Slave Reset and Status (needs a key)

18 : Switch panel (i bought once for my microbus, but they where to big xxD)

19 : Staging and Stabilistaion control panel (SSC) ; don't use if you don't know what you do ... however


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To be honest, i started this project some weeks earlier than i started to post here ... the lawn is not mowed, the tap in the kitchen is still leaking, the fence should be painted, furnace renovation is waiting too ... i really spend too much time for this project, almost every free minute. Don't remember when i was playing KSP last time :rolleyes:

What disturbs me is that i already have an idea for a "Kermander2000" console xxD and definitely too less time ...

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  On 6/7/2016 at 4:47 PM, Gemini0915 said:

To be honest, i started this project some weeks earlier than i started to post here ... the lawn is not mowed, the tap in the kitchen is still leaking, the fence should be painted, furnace renovation is waiting too ... i really spend too much time for this project, almost every free minute. Don't remember when i was playing KSP last time :rolleyes:

What disturbs me is that i already have an idea for a "Kermander2000" console xxD and definitely too less time ...


That sounds suspiciously familiar on both points. 

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Turbine propelled wooden aircraft were state of the art some decades ago, why not build a wooden spacecraft ¿?

It can burn, it can break, it can mold and some insects like to eat it, seems not to be the ideal material for space exploration ... but did anyone tried this at home or somewhere else ... seems that some did . So i do too :





If you live in an old house, never trust on that the walls and floors are rectangular. - I measured some lengths and calculated some angles assuming rectangular corners on the desk and the walls. While cutting, assembling and arranging some spruce slats i found out that there is not one right angle ... maybe i have to consult a civil engineer instead of a rocket engineer :D

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  On 6/9/2016 at 7:20 PM, Aerospacer said:


Wow, it's look as a beginning of some amazing... Do you planned a multimonitor configuration?


Currently not, but i was thinking about it ..... hmmm, but looking at the picture i see that there is a lot of space for an overhead panel  .... [WIP]  :wink:

Gosh, this projects starts to get out of control :ugly: ^^


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Status update , center console partly finished :



Some might think, i want that thingy too, i'm willing to pay for it ... are you sure ? .... look at this :

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Since i'm collecting electronic crap since over 30 years i found a collection of nice electromechanical things which i will try to get running useful tasks in the cockpit. So the probaly annoying bell will ring everytime the system detects a warning/error. Probably the pilot will call the mission control while far away from Kerbin to know which wire to cut to switch of that feature (which was only wanted by aged engineers so that they can get rid off their since years stored antique parts). The '12step-relay' from a old PABX will be used for PS monitoring and to annoy the pilot and the guy which has to solder that sh.t too :

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Short Update from CrappyInstruments Ltd. Kermander1000 IVA-Simulator, side panels are almost done. Two modules are still in production, lot of wiring work has to be done. Game independent capsule systems emulator to control uncontrollable functions by controls controlling nothing [WIP]


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  On 6/19/2016 at 7:24 PM, luizopiloto said:

you should do some streams on twitch... :3


Unfortunately english is not my native language, so sometimes i speak out confusing words and the said things will not make sense like this here ...  I like senseless things making a context sense. - And my voice is ... uuhm ... ooohm ... omg  .... it's voiceless xxD or itchyscratchy ... hearing my own voice is like eating used sox :ugly:


But for sure i will make videos of that crap in operation, showing a confused Gene Kerman, trying to proceed the mission. Stupidity level increases, experience drops, mission WILL fail :D . - Some Scripts are in my mind and since i'm working in a weird, sophisticated and academic environment, i get my daily input for more nonsense ... at the end Kerbin has been flushed away by some mad rocket scientists ... Sorry for the [/spoiler], that was the wrong button and the end of the story  :confused:  ...


... so, there will be some videos :wink:

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  • 4 months later...
  • 5 months later...

Well, about one year later the solar panels got some from Kerbols light and energized the batteries again :D - Had to take care of all the missed real live tasks, wiped off the dust of the Kermander1000 and continued the necessary tinkering to leave Kerbin ^^


The MEGA i used was overloaded with work at the end, loosing the datastream and/or displaying useless values from the past, making the whole excrements just a bunch of pseudo-scientific crap. I came back to my first attempt to distribute the data to several Arduinos. The master MCU (MEGA) mirrors all received bytes to Serial1 TX, the slave MCUs just RX this data while handshaking function is disabled and output function just contains the timing.

Actually about 80% is wired and 60% of the code is written. I added some KSP independent features ... more about it later, first some actual pictures :

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One of the KSP independent features is a keyboard/mouse emulation by an Arduino Micro, that gives the possibility to use the cockpit for other simulations e.g. flight sim and farming sim :D .The top monitor will contain additional unnecessary data transmitted from ground control by use of the Telemachus-Mod, making the kermanding of the ship not easier :confused: - However, i'll keep you updated of the progress, hope i can report the shareholders a successful start of the mission soon ^^

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