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Ice hockey world championship - anybody watching?


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Hi guys, I know that this tournament isn't so important for Americans and Canadians, but in my country (Czech Republic) it is very popular. Is any of you watching the tournament, which team do you support, and what do you think about the games so far?

Go Czechs!


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12 hours ago, ColKlonk said:

Do they still try 'bat' each other out the rink nowdays ?

I'm not sure I fully understand the phrase "bat out the rink", but if you meant if there are still brawls, then certainly :)

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Well, it's a shame with the NHL, on the other hand, a lot of young talented players get the chance to play instead of the "stars", which is a good thing. And the Finland team plays really great this year, I loved the game they played against Canada yesterday. And I'm looking forward to see them in quarterfinals, too.

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Looks like the borders of our world end at the US coast... Who needs them anyway. I have allways been a fan of canadian hockey (silently, oilers, Gretzky and his friends, good times), the one and only sport for "real" man.
Czech boys had back luck today, next time...:wink:

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Yeah, that was tough to watch. Kinkaid's performance was the best he had this tournament, but still, it's hard to win if you only score once.... So, for the rest of the games, good luck to Suomi, i hope you'll beat the Russians in the semi's :)

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