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[Request] Vehicle autosave mod

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Can someone make a mod where every half a minute or so it saves your vehicle in the editor? (if that's possible) Because my game crashes often and I always forget to save my crafts in the SPH or VAB. 

Edited by Snikersnee
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Most of the time autosaves stop you from losing much when you have a crash - but if it happens in the editor it is very easy to lose a lot of work.

As far as I know, it only autosaves a vehicle on pressing the "launch" button and also you are prompted for a save if you press the "exit" button, but you could easily spend an hour or more without doing either of those things.

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  • 5 weeks later...
On 5/19/2016 at 5:20 PM, SpaceTiger said:

Have a look at CraftHistory it has a feature that saves your craft after x seconds when changes are made. Its not updated to 1.1 yet but we plan on having something ready this weekend.

sooooooo its june, where is it? I would love this mod because a lot of mods are not updating to 1.1.2 and i keep losing my ships.

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