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[Suggestion] Rescue missions: a way to ban parts without hatches.

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I've been getting rescue missions where the kerbal has to get out and ends up being spawned in a part without a hatch. Only way out is to grapple it and transfer. 
A way to ban specific parts from that type of mission would be nice. 

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Can you be more specific?  What hatchless parts are you running into?

I've heard people with this problem before, but invariably it was due to a buggy mod, not a problem in the stock game.  If a mod adds a hatchless part, and then has a bug that adds that hatchless part to the list of things that support rescue contracts... the fix there needs to be in the mod.

That said, perhaps Squad could add some code to the stock game to try to "save modders from themselves" to explicitly ban hatchless parts from the rescue list... but that doesn't sound like the right solution to me, for several reasons:

  • It's a mod problem, not a stock game problem.  Bugs should be fixed in the place where they occur.  Trying to stick band-aid code in other places to handle it rarely turns out well-- usually ends up simply kicking the can down the road a bit, causing a more-confusing-problem-later rather than an easily-understood-and-fixed-problem-earlier.
  • Squad has finite engineering resources (they're a small company), and more stuff to do than they have devs to do them.  So spending effort in one place means not spending it in another.  This doesn't feel like a good use of their time to me, frankly-- would rather they spend the time elsewhere.
  • It might actually be counterproductive.  Who's to say that a hatchless rescue mission is "bad" or should be forbidden?  What if a mod author deliberately produces a crewed part that has no hatch but does have, say, a docking port on it?  Should the game prevent the mod author from having the freedom to do that?

Anyway, just my two cents.

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Yeah, this is entirely the fault of the mod, the way the game grabs rescues is to use a random crewed part, so if you make parts with crew, without hatches, there is a problem.

A better solution would be for stock to pull a .craft file from a "Rescued Craft" folder. The ability to spawn in whole craft files would be incredibly useful for more than just rescues...

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