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Martian what?


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3 minutes ago, SargeRho said:

Well, we already knew that Mars once had large standing bodies of water, so this isn't a big surprise.

It seems like a insane conclusion to me, tsunamis on a world that barely had water, isn't there a more conservative conclusion?

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1 hour ago, PB666 said:

It seems like a insane conclusion to me, tsunamis on a world that barely had water, isn't there a more conservative conclusion?

Just try to stay in a rainy day near a road where cars are going there and back.

Soon you'll see that tsunami is possible even in a inch-deep pool.

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6 hours ago, kerbiloid said:

Just try to stay in a rainy day near a road where cars are going there and back.

Soon you'll see that tsunami is possible even in a inch-deep pool.

Where is the force coming from, the interior of mars is less dynamic than earth. Sure you can generate a hideous wave by having an imaginary cosmic foot step on mars, but like when does that happen. 

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The craters that were produced were probably about 30km across, they say. The waves could have been 50m in height, or even 120m at some locations.
The areas affected by the tsunamis cover some 800,000 sq km for the older event and 1,000,000 sq km for the younger one.

Area = 800000..1000000 → Radius = 500..560 km ~= 530 km.

If use this calculator

and set:
Distance = 530 km
Projectile Diameter = 3 km
Projectile Density = 3000 kg/m3
Impact Velocity = 15 km/s
Impact Angle = 45 deg
Water of depth = 300 m

Final diameter of the crater = 33.7 km
Tsunami = 11...21 m.

Due to 0.35 g, on Mars this would be ~60 m. So, in narrow places up to 120 m.

Also from their book:


Following  some  initial  spectacular  estimates  of tsunami heights, heights that greatly exceed the depth of the ocean itself (Hills et al. 1994), a reaction occurred (Melosh 2003) based on a newly-unclassified document (Van Dorn et al. 1968) that suggests that impact-tsunami waves break on the continental shelf and pose little threat to coastal locations (the “Van Dorn” effect).

Edited by kerbiloid
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9 hours ago, PB666 said:

a world that barely had water


"The Mars ocean hypothesis states that nearly a third of the surface of Mars was covered by an ocean of liquid water early in the planet’s geologic history."

~33% for mars compared to 70% for earth.... yea it had smaller oceans, but still plenty of ocean for a tsunami to form.

Have you ever looked at a heightmap of mars?!


I recently made a mod planet based off of mars, adding an ocean to where the ancient shoreline of mars used to be (and other flourishes, like "life" an atmosphere with O2:



That is not "barely any water"


And thats a shoreline that has already receded from its initial levels (indeed, the shorelines seems to have been constantly receding for most of its existence)

"Features shown by the Viking orbiters in 1976, revealed two possible ancient shorelines" My guess is that these mark two periods where the water elvel was receeding slower, maybe one the initial, and a 2nd was a temporary slowdown in the water loss


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