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The only thing there is to say about a 4 year old game developing a memory leak

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Hi @Papa Smurf, if you have any actual evidence of a memory leak please share it, so it can be dealt with.

Bare in mind however that Squad has no control over memory leaks in Unity Technologies Unity3D game engine, and if any such leak exists in the engine this information should be made known on the Unity3D forums.

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I guess that you are refering to this post right?

Additionally to what sal_vager said, please also keep in mind that:

A: The developers have gone into a well earned and overdue vacation shortly after the release of 1.1.2. (around the first May) So there is currently no one that could have fixed that issue.

B: The issue is posted in the forums, but have you also reported it in the official bugtracker for KSP? It has been said very often that they can only take account for the bugs reported there. For obvious reasons it is not feasible to keep track of the reported bugs in such a dynamic forum.

If you have not reported the bug in the bugtracker, do so and i'm sure it will be fixed once the developers come back from their vacations. 

Edited by Nils277
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51 minutes ago, sal_vager said:

Bare in mind however that Squad has no control over memory leaks in Unity Technologies Unity3D game engine, and if any such leak exists in the engine this information should be made known on the Unity3D forums.

How is reporting upstream bugs in Squads chosen game engine in any way the end-users responsibility? We bought Kerbal Space Program, not Unity3D. Deflecting blame upstream does not solve anything, if your product is unstable, it's your problem. Ours is not to ask why, we are but humble (if noisy) customers.

And I agree it's not a "memory leak" BTW. IME "memory leak" is usually just a pseudo-technical term picked up by those who don't have a clue how things actually work. :rolleyes:

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Squad, like other developers who use the Unity engine, will file issue reports on the Unity tracker, but if you take a look you'll see plenty of threads on many issues on the Unity forums, from developers and end users, someone might have already opened a thread on a supposed memory leak and had help from other members.

Case in point, unused network adapters are known to cause slow loading.


But to go any further  with @Papa Smurf's issue we'll need to know more about the nature of this memory leak, as currently we do not know the OS, the system specs, we do not have the logs, or any reproduction steps.

All we have is an angry post, this does not help Squad find and fix an issue if it exists, and certainly doesn't help other players who might be experiencing a similar issue.

So I suggest people take a look at this thread before continuing.

Thank you.

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So I've already sent my emails to Squad with my error files attached.  I'll go check out the Unity Engine website later today.  I would rather see these problems get fixed than just complain about them, but let me be clear.  I'm a retired US Navy Limited Duty Officer (prior enlisted officer).   As such, I have a finely tuned rectal smoke detector.  I'll explain what I just heard.  "Hey sir, the guys just finished their maintenance and I sent them off on some well earned liberty.  Unfortunately, they clogged up the toilets and broke the air conditioning in the process, so until they get back the crew will just have to deal with it."  Yeah, thanks Ensign.  Oh, and it's May 21st.  How much vacation were the Squad people going to take?  In the Navy, an event like this usually causes an all hands recall.

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I can blame squad because they have do prerelease only for steam users and made others customers wait for 1.1 bugged full release, other than that they have do to all us a great favor by updating the game to unity 5, i can agree 1.1 have a lot of bugs and probably is better consider it as Beta but if you don't like to deal with bugs you can revert to fully playable 1.05 waiting for a more stable version of KSP.

On my end i prefer deal with some bugs than revert to 1.05, and if with the next version KSP is updated to unity 5.3+ probably we can have a better game experience.

by a third class citizen linux user

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As both a former USAR 54B10 and a current truck driver, I can't tell you how many times I have recognized former armed forces personnel from just one word and how it's used, unacceptable. I heard it many times from my drill sergeant while he was patiently trying to drive a point home through my thick skull, and I've heard it many times when newly retired soldiers find themselves thrown into the American truck driving industry to find out just how much of an ate up mess it is. That being said, I sympathize with both sides of the argument in this thread, both from the frustrated customer, Papa Smurf, and the frustrated developers, dealing with internal issues, along with the associated and dedicated forum moderators out on damage control. From my point of view, it looks to me that the only thing that is going to fix the mess that KSP currently finds itself in is time and patience. As someone who also truly loves this game, I just hope that they, both Squad and the associated forum moderators, don't just simply give up. I really want to see this game succeed in a spectacular fashion. I really hope to see it at some point before I die, however. And that date with destiny has gotten 3 weeks closer while I patiently wait for Squad to return from "vacation".

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This isn't really aimed at anyone in particular. Just trying to address some of the questions.


On 5/21/2016 at 9:31 AM, Papa Smurf said:

Oh, and it's May 21st.  How much vacation were the Squad people going to take?

Three weeks. And I/we can't fix anything if we don't know what you're referring to.


I'm not trying to blow smoke up anyone's anything. I WANT to fix bugs. I have been trying to fix bugs as a player of this game for a couple years now, and I try to fix them from the inside also. Sending up flares that "squad doesn't care" is only frustrating from the sense that it is impossible to please everyone all of the time. Sal isn't trying to deflect blame, but is trying to point out that if we track down the bug to a fault in Unity, then we can't fix that bug directly. We can, however, try to work around it, as we have done on numerous occasions (the fairings contain one such workaround that took quite some time to develop). But we can't even attempt to do that if there is zero information provided.

So that folks know, the three week vacation was because several of the developers haven't had a vacation day in nearly a year. They worked through December holidays, and beyond. Half of the team could have gone on vacation, but then when the first group came back, they'd have to swap places. With such a small team, that would have left everything pretty minimally staffed for at least a month and a half (which is also less than ideal). That also isn't very conducive to productivity, and just leaves those who are not on vacation right back into the "not enough people and too much to do" situation. It's a fine line to be had, between working people endlessly and trying to actually release something.


6 hours ago, Otis said:

I just hope that they, both Squad and the associated forum moderators, don't just simply give up.

We haven't. And we keep saying that. Unity 5 is virtually a brand new engine. With it, we are finding many new issues with code that used to be rock solid. It takes a while to track down where the issues are, and it's not always clear if it's KSP interacting with Unity, or Unity itself. Also (FYI), forum moderators are game players and forum visitors like virtually everyone else here. They aren't privy to any "inside" information, nor are they squad employees.


20 hours ago, Badsector said:

I can blame squad because they have do prerelease only for steam users and made others customers wait for 1.1 bugged full release, other than that they have do to all us a great favor by updating the game to unity 5, i can agree 1.1 have a lot of bugs and probably is better consider it as Beta but if you don't like to deal with bugs you can revert to fully playable 1.05 waiting for a more stable version of KSP.

The prerelase was on steam because of the massive amount of data push that was needed. The KSP patcher simply doesn't work. It's being worked on, but it wasn't working for prerelase. The KSP store was not set to handle that sort of data demand. Because of the massive overhaul KSP 1.1 needed, the prerelease was extremely helpful in diagnosing and fixing numerous problems that weren't seen in Experimentals. I agree that it was highly unfortunate that 1.1 couldn't prerelease on the KSP store...but for reals, it wasn't done out of "Steam Exclusiveness."


On 5/21/2016 at 6:53 AM, steve_v said:

How is reporting upstream bugs in Squads chosen game engine in any way the end-users responsibility?

It's not, but if the only info we have is "developing memory leak," it's really, really hard to diagnose.


On 5/21/2016 at 6:53 AM, steve_v said:

Ours is not to ask why, we are but humble (if noisy) customers.

That's cool too. Though I only have so much oil in my can. It's hard to squirt some on the squeak if I don't know where it's coming from.


Kerbonauts, we really do care. I'm not sure how to actually express that. We do read the forums, even if we don't reply to everything.


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On ‎5‎/‎21‎/‎2016 at 10:26 AM, Papa Smurf said:

Simply unacceptable.  Also unacceptable that it isn't fixed inside of a week at most.

You should tell that to Corel, whose VideoWave product still has memory leaks since v13. And that was in 2013.

I deal with bad design on a daily basis. At least Squad's moderators and devs are a tad more sympathetic. By comparison, Corel's mods treat me like I'm from space. (insert ironic statement here)


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On 5/21/2016 at 8:31 PM, Papa Smurf said:

As such, I have a finely tuned rectal smoke detector. 

Too bad it didn't stop you from posting a useless "I'm not playing any more" rant on the technical query thread.


My own Rectal Smoke Detector.

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Hasn't KSP had memory leaks for ages? That was why on 32-bit versions it would crash after making a bunch of scene changes as the memory usage steadily rose until it hit the 4ish GB limit.

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On 5/30/2016 at 1:56 AM, sumghai said:

In short, it was not a memory leak, but the fact that he ran out of memory because he was running KSP.exe rather than KSP_64.exe.

Ugh, for srsly?

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On ‎5‎/‎30‎/‎2016 at 8:56 PM, sumghai said:

Just so everyone knows, this issue @Papa Smurf had was answered here:

In short, it was not a memory leak, but the fact that he ran out of memory because he was running KSP.exe rather than KSP_64.exe.

I can report that the game does run longer running the 64 bit version, but it still crashes though far less frequently.  What is happening more often than crashing are hang ups that are fatal and require a game restart without being able to save.  Something gets hung up and I can't do anything other than highlight and sometimes select parts of a spacecraft either in flight or in the VAB.

Does the game create a crash log when I do those hard resets?

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37 minutes ago, Papa Smurf said:

I can report that the game does run longer running the 64 bit version, but it still crashes though far less frequently.  What is happening more often than crashing are hang ups that are fatal and require a game restart without being able to save.  Something gets hung up and I can't do anything other than highlight and sometimes select parts of a spacecraft either in flight or in the VAB.

Have you tried running the game completely unmodded, just to rule out memory issues in the stock game?

It is possible that some of the mods you were running in your other thread are causing issues.

37 minutes ago, Papa Smurf said:

Does the game create a crash log when I do those hard resets?

To my knowledge, they should.

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I had it unattended over night and as I came back it was at 20 GB virtual RAM - and it was "ALT-Tabbed" out, so I tried to manually ALT-Tab back in ... I waited for 5 minutes, then I just pressed F2 to input something, that crashed it - no dump file/folder created.

I only can provide this:



Beendet und geschlossen.

‎02.‎06.‎2016 15:01

Der Bericht wurde gesendet.

Aufgrund eines Problems kann dieses Programm nicht mehr mit Windows kommunizieren.
Pfad der fehlerhaften Anwendung:	E:\Spiele\Kerbal Space Program\KSP_x64.exe

Problemereignisame:	AppHangB1
Anwendungsname:	KSP_x64.exe
Anwendungszeitstempel:	566b7225
Absturzsignatur:	8a3b
Absturztyp:	134217728
Betriebsystemversion:	10.0.10586.
Gebietsschema-ID:	1031
Zusätzliche Absturzsignatur 1:	8a3b1eb865f37cbb481a15392fe141b3
Zusätzliche Absturzsignatur 2:	3c20
Zusätzliche Absturzsignatur 3:	3c201f235baba515b856b99d75121128
Zusätzliche Absturzsignatur 4:	8a3b
Zusätzliche Absturzsignatur 5:	8a3b1eb865f37cbb481a15392fe141b3
Zusätzliche Absturzsignatur 6:	3c20
Zusätzliche Absturzsignatur 7:	3c201f235baba515b856b99d75121128

Weitere Informationen über das Problem
Bucket-ID:	5187bde8d0229d35eef86c59fee80a9e (50)



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On 5/21/2016 at 0:53 PM, steve_v said:

And I agree it's not a "memory leak" BTW. IME "memory leak" is usually just a pseudo-technical term picked up by those who don't have a clue how things actually work. :rolleyes:

Is there a down-vote button? Because I'd like to vote this down. People who have worked in the industry, and you know, actually have a clue, know that memory leaks exist, and what they are. 

On 5/21/2016 at 3:31 PM, Papa Smurf said:

 In the Navy, an event like this usually causes an all hands recall.

Maybe you should go back to the Navy for an attitude adjustment? 

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I have no idea what this "memory leak" of your is. I've got a mostly OEM pc that can run the game on the highest settings while running in the back ground with games like Fallout 4 on high settings with godrays on high as well at a smooth 55-60 fps. This is with mods and large craft.

Fix your PC, because if this didn't happen before Unity 5, then it is most definitely not the games fault.

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Please make sure we are helping/fixing/attacking the problem, and not sniping at each other. Bugs are frustrating for everyone, and it's easy to let tempers flare.

I have no doubts that a user is running into a problem, but I still can't do anything about it without information. As several folks have pointed out, the stick that has been linked a couple times shows where to find the logs (even when the game doesn't crash) and gives examples of the kind of information that helps us find the issue.

Additionally, this particular sub forum is for unmodified installs. If you are running with add-ons, then there is another sub forum. If possible, try to narrow the issue down to a particular add-on, set of add-ons, or the stock game. Given the nearly infinite combinations of unique installs, it's hard (impossible) to help with any issue via a forum board without more information.

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This issue is incredibly frustrating. It has existed since the day I installed this game with mods. It existed through years of 32bit executable. It exists now with 64bit executable. If this damn game would stop loading EVERYTHING into the memory on startup maybe it wouldn't be such an issue. I agree with the unacceptable comment. STOP releasing new content and FIX this issue PLEASE. I am so freaking sick and tired of crashing every 20 to 30 minutes and I don't want to run the game stock.

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