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Zond 5 Tortoises' names?


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I was wondering about the Zond 5 tortoises, and what their names were. After all, they were among the first animals to voyage to the moon, and a good contender for the first creatures to ever see an earthrise. Shouldn't they have some form of identifier?

The first results that come in Google are several news articles, most about the Russian geckos that got lost in space, referring to them as Bek and Lek. Okay, that sounds good. However, when I look up "Bek and Lek tortoises," the earliest relevant result appears to be a blog post. The blog seems to be about Rock n' Roll, and I wouldn't consider it a trustworthy source. 

I don't think that the tortoises were named Bek and Lek. Does anyone know what the real case is? Did that even have names?

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Looks unlikely if the turtles could have name, as they can't react on them and can be poorly perceived as individuals. As also flour beetles or drosophila flying together with them.
A search in Russian brings no info about it: just "two Central Asian turtles".
Maybe vivarium technicians called them somehow, but most probably they were just Next Shrub Turtles "random_turtle_1" and "random_turtle_2".

Also "Bek & Lek" pair sounds strange in Russian (like a pair of Polish names),
If they have names, there could be "Tortilla" (a common turtle name from a book) or "Vasya & Fedya" (just two common human names).

P.S. There were Polish animated cartoons, popular in the USSR with two main characters: Bolek & Ljolek. (1960s and later)
Maybe somebody somewhere called this pair of turtles so — but not like personal names, just as a joke.

Edited by kerbiloid
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Good question, and some interesting history. I have written to "S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION «ENERGIA»" (post@rsce.ru) and had my friend translate my query into Russian as well. Let's see if they answer. They would be the ones to know!

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