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Landing Lights


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Hello, does anybody know existing Landinglights for KSP ? Its very frustrating seeing the ship crashed at 1100m on the mun :(, i just dont see the ground. Some Landinglights or Ultrasonicsensors would be a nice add-on for Landing, also would be lights a cool gimmick for Rovers ^^

Something like in this video. I just cant find a downloadlink

hope somebody could help me :)


my Vversion is 0.15.2 and sorry for my terrible english ???

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You wouldn't get ultrasound to work. But radar or infrared would be an option that could do the job.

PS. don't know to much about the game, just got it yesterday. Very amazed with it, interested in assisting with dev/mod community after seeing how robust this games environment is.

~Aerospace Engineer (ERAU) (NASA)

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The links provided above no longer seem to be working. Could some nice person provide current ones for light mods?


Needs Cart plugin, found here:

Edited by theflyingfish
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