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Unknown mod destroying crafts

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Ive installed a bunch of mods onto the game and my missions keep getting random fuel leaks or parts exploding this isn't a rare occurrence I cant make it into orbit without a 'random issue' the only way I have to tell what mod it is, is that there are random fuel leaks and it isn't the mod 'Dang it' or whatever hope someone can guide me in the right direction thanks 

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Just now, Snark said:

Saying "a bunch of mods" isn't super helpful-- can you provide a list?


Ill miss out ones that will defiantly be irrelevant but:













All the Near Future mods


Remote tech/ground bases

Routine mission planner





Test flight (That doesn't work :()




Unmanned before manned

warp Plugin


Apologies I don't know what half these mods even do because I downloaded them using CKAN


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Mod-related and mod-compatibility related bugs Self-Help 101 (by The_Rocketeer):


1. Uninstall all mods.

2. Reinstall one.

3. Start KSP and check for bug.

4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until bug becomes apparent.


5. At this point you have identified at least one mod that is contributing to a bug, but not if it is a mod-interaction bug. Follow steps below to determine this:

a. Uninstall a mod (not the last one installed since this is already associated with the bug).

b. Start KSP and check for bug.

c. If bug is still present, repeat steps 5a and 5b until the bug does not occur, or until no mods remain (except the identified bug-causing mod). If the bug does not occur, the last mod you uninstalled is causing it through interaction with the last mod that you installed.

You can now report this to the mods' respective creator/s for a fix, and/or you can choose which mod you prefer and leave the other uninstalled.


This is a time-consuming process, but the only way to be sure of the cause of the problem. Since your problem may be unique to your system, it is frankly unreasonable to expect someone else to devote this amount of time to testing for a problem that simply may not be replicatable on their system. Therefore the best equipped person to identify the cause of this problem is YOU.

Edited by The_Rocketeer
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11 hours ago, CaptainPip26 said:

Apologies I don't know what half these mods even do because I downloaded them using CKAN

This is a very scary statement on several levels.  Do you often install programs on your computer that you know so little about?

Uploading an output_log.txt file (see the "How to get support" sticky thread for details) from a run of the game that has at least one of these random failures (or reading through it yourself) would almost certainly locate the mod concerned almost immediately...

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19 hours ago, CaptainPip26 said:

Apologies I don't know what half these mods even do because I downloaded them using CKAN

Why on earth would you do that?

Uninstall everything and start over.

Edited by DChurchill
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