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[STOCK] Star Nation Defense Force

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Star Nation Defense Force


After the loss of the SNIC company, Star Nation has reassembled it's military branches into one organization. This organization is the SNDF, covering land, sea, air ,and space craft related to the defense of Star Nation interests and the interests of its allies. This force is currently organizing old craft, but will start production of new craft once the organization is complete. The SNDF will be accepting commissions.


Land Vehicles



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The Light Tank Mark 1 is the standard ground combat unit of the SNDF. It's low profile and its working turret makes it a threat for any ground forces.

Mass: 15.382t

Part count: 213

Weapons: 2 Medium I beam air balanced missiles.

To use: The first stage decouples the turret. Use the gap on the top of the turret to access the probe core for the turret. Use the probe core in front of the turret ring to control the main vehicle. The remaining stages are the missiles.

Craft File:https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1E5FQPXvLzoWXRJZ0t1VUE0UHc




Sea Vessels


CV-02 "Ithaca"

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This escort carrier can hold up to 4 aircraft, projecting your power across the seas. She able to defend her self as well, with her guided missile turret. Stats include aircraft.

Mass: 2,079.627t

Parts: 500

Weapons: 4 Guided AP missiles

Engines: 4 J-90 Goliath

To use: To get it off the runway and into the water, use the first stage to start the engines and gun it off the side of the runway. It will get stuck on the ground once it gets off the runway, use action group 10 to free it. Once you get near the shore use action group 1 to reverse thrust and apply brakes to slow down. Now that you are in the water stage again to release the missile turret.

For the Fighter aircraft, action group 2 toggles the reverse engine, use this to taxi to the back of the flight deck. The main engine uses action group 3 to toggle and action group 4 to change modes. Be sure to have the reverse engine off and the main engine in wet mode to take off. The stages are a bit messed up when you undock from the carrier so be sure to organize them before going into action.

Craft File: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1E5FQPXvLzoRGRfRk4wb3o2R0U




Air Craft



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This medium bomber is fast and can be very accurate while bombing in a dive. The bomb bay can carry a variety of 1.25m and smaller payloads. Stats include current payload and party empty fuel tanks(improves maneuverability).

Mass: 32.386t


Weapons: 4 Small fuel tank bombs

Engines: 4 J-404 Panther

To use: Action group 1 toggles bomb bay doors, Action group 2 toggles engine mode.

Craft File: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1E5FQPXvLzoQi1vb1hWQVJEV28


F-33 "Swash Buckler"

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This high speed interceptor excels at high altitude dog fighting. A medium range aircraft that in experienced hands can out turn or out run any opponent. The missiles could use some work.

Mass: 18.409t

Parts: 97

Weapons: 4 "I" beam missiles

Engines: 3 J-X4 "Whiplash"

To use: Everything is staged, air brakes linked to "B" button.

Craft File:https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1E5FQPXvLzocUhXdWdjS0c4ZVk




Space Craft



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This space fighter carries guided torpedoes able to hunt down other fighter craft or harass frigates and cruisers. Lightly armored it can easily patrol a planetary system. All stats do not include the launch stage.

Mass: 15.631t

Parts: 117

Weapons: 6 Guided AP torpedoes

Engines: 6 Ion engines, 1 LV-909

To use: Action group 1 toggles the LV-909, Action group 2 toggles the solar panels and ion engines. Each torpedo must be manually undocked, be sure their probe core is charged before undocking.

Craft File: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1E5FQPXvLzodTVLaHpNTjBlS00



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This SSTO can engage any craft in LKO and land back at base with ease.

Mass: 25.949t


Weapons: 2 Guided AP torpedoes

Engines: 3 CR-7 R.A.P.I.E.R.

To use: Action group 1 toggles air intakes, action group 2 toggles engine mode.

Craft File:https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1E5FQPXvLzoWFhxVTRQdVh4Qlk



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The SNSS-Nightmare is an old design refitted with reactive armor. Heavy armed and armored, it is a danger to any fleet. It has a limited range so a tanker escort is recommended. All stats don't include the launch stage. View it in action here {Not my video} and here{also not my video}.

Mass: 49.919t

Parts: 314

Weapons: 12 "Lance" I Beam missiles

Engine: 1 LV-N "Nerv"

To use: Everything is staged.

Craft File: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1E5FQPXvLzocFNUbjdSTG4yM0k




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This SSTO can haul up to 6 kerbals and 10t of cargo into LKO. The cargo bay is often used to carry small fighter craft to space born carriers.

Mass: 54.185t

Parts: 89

Engines: 4 CR-7 R.A.P.I.E.R., 2 LV-N "Nerv"

To use: Action group 1 toggles CR-7s, Action group 2 toggles CR-7 mode and air intakes, Action group 3 toggles LV-Ns, and Action group 4 toggles solar panels and radiators.

Craft File: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1E5FQPXvLzoSk1YeC0zUmo1cjQ


Edited by iamonfire
SNSS-FF-Nightmare Added
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  On 6/2/2016 at 2:22 AM, iamonfire said:

You have some impressive looking aircraft, love the look of the unguided rocket. It would be an honor to build with you.



  On 6/2/2016 at 1:46 AM, He_162 said:

I'm looking forward to seeing these! Perhaps we could be partners in building military style vehicles?


well, i will be exited to see some of these appear. i shall work on them now!

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  On 6/2/2016 at 2:30 AM, TheGuyNamedAlan said:

well good luck then!!

the HE crafts are amazing


Only the 40 series.. the old ones are kinda bad when I look back to be honest, but that is how progression works.. 

I started the He series on a website called War Thunder live, and if you want to take a look at my older designs, and how far I've gotten since I started, you can take a look here:


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  On 6/2/2016 at 6:23 AM, TheGuyNamedAlan said:

@He_162 ever since i have a youtube channel, i would like to ask you for permission to test your HE30 and post it on YT. thanks



I wouldn't recommend testing the He-30, it isn't a very good aircraft, and it's mediocre at best. I would suggest testing the Rk-7, or the He-40 series aircraft though, preferably the He-41+


However, you have my permission to test any craft you like or post them to youtube, just give me credit for them, and link the KerbalX link in the description.

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  On 6/2/2016 at 9:17 AM, He_162 said:

I wouldn't recommend testing the He-30, it isn't a very good aircraft, and it's mediocre at best. I would suggest testing the Rk-7, or the He-40 series aircraft though, preferably the He-41+


However, you have my permission to test any craft you like or post them to youtube, just give me credit for them, and link the KerbalX link in the description.


i downloaded all the HE41+ crafts. is it 41,42,43,44,45,46,47 and 48. is there more??

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  On 6/3/2016 at 12:06 AM, TheGuyNamedAlan said:

thanks. how do u post a photo here?? i forgot


Insert the link for the image, or go to an imgur album, and select the last few numbers/letters after the last " / " and click the green and black I on the top right of the chat toolbar, and paste that in there.

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