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[1.1.2]Kopernicus Solar panel patch v0.0.2 (June 5, 2016)


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It looks like solar panels are fixed in Kopernicus 1.1.2 making this mod no longer necessary. I'll leave this up for anyone still on older versions of Kopernicus but I don't have plans to update this mod.


I've put together a plugin to replace the RTG solar panel fix in Galactic Neighborhood. This should also work for solar panels in other Kopernicus mods that have stars other than the stock Sun/Kerbol.

What this does:

Uses a ModuleManager patch to install a plugin on all parts implementing ModuleDeployableSolarPanel (All solar panels at this time I believe) and give them a one over r2 EC generation based on the original panel generation specs and the luminosity of the local star.


This is an alpha version and though I've tested it on my system under a base Galactic Neighborhood install I can't guarantee it won't trash you save - please don't use on a game you care about. That said I have done some basic testing and this hasn't spammed my output log.


Standard install - copy the folder into your KSP directory - should end up with the following structure: GameData\KSI\KSolarPanel.

If you're using Sigma88's RTG fix you'll want to disable that.     

Easiest way would be to change the cfg extension on the patch to something else:
If this is not disabled you will have a constant EC production from the solar panel regardless of light conditions.

Obligatory picture:


This was taken 0.02 AU from K-stor Bb (companion to the blue star in background - Galactic Neighborhood). Notice the crazy high EC - normally the probe would have melted - unfortunately this patch doesn't fix the lack of heat issues.

Download Here. Source is included in the download.

License CC BY-SA

Any trouble reports would be welcome.

Edited by wasml
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  On 7/29/2016 at 1:24 AM, EnriqueB said:

I was using this mod and GN, and i found a SERIOUS bug: when i teleported a surveyor probe to Prok using HyperEdit, the ship justly vanished, and the focus was : focus: Prok.


I'll need more information to trouble shoot this:

1) Is this repeatable - if so what (detailed please) steps cause it to happen.

2) What other mods (and versions) are you running.

3) Log files- KSP.log, output_log.txt

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@EnriqueB Without being able to recreate the problem I won't be able to troubleshoot it. To recreate I'll need some steps - even just say "was in a 100Km orbit of Kerbin and used Hyperedit to move to a 90Mm orbit of Proc B" - or whatever you did. Free time is rather restricted right now so anything to shorten the process helps. Ideally you have the logs from when the bug happened or can recreate the bug and send the logs from the recreation.

As far as using this in your mod - please feel free. If you use the mod as is I would ask you include a link to this page so users can report any problems. If you modify the code and retain a significant portion of it, the license is CC BY-SA - attribution, share any modifications.

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