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Getting E-Class Asteroids out to Jool

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1 hour ago, Zosma Procyon said:

Are there any ways to get E-Class asteroids out to Jool, other than the obvious brute force with long burns.

You could install HyperEdit, and magically teleport the rock to Jool.

Other than that - no, you're unfortunately stuck withg the mass, and moving mass requires force. That's the challenge in moving asteroids around. However, if you don't mind the asteroid losing mass on the way, install drills and an ISRU (and a small ore tank, it's required) on your asteroid mover. As you mine the ore, not only do you get to turn it into free fuel, but on top of that the mass of ore you mine is removed from the asteroid, making it lighter and easier to push.

Just don't run the ISRU and the engines at the same time without having an amount of fuel in your tanks as a buffer. If you try to feed the engine on nothing other than the ISRU output, things bug out and your engine won't produce any thrust (but it still consumes the entire output).

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My default astroid mover is an half lengt MK3 tank with 6 LV-N pointing down, stack on bottom with a set of large reaction wheels, isru, ore tank a long 1.25 meter rocket fuel tank for verniers. a strut with the claw and two drills, this comfortably moves class E, one option is to replace the MK3 with an rocket fuel tank even go hybrid engine. 

Now doing an gravity assist around kerbin is likely to save you a lot if Jool is near the launch window.

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Have they updated Asteroid Day yet?

The Sentinel camera (which, if I recall, was the only part from Asteroid Day not made stock) would 'find' asteroids that threatened the planet next out from its orbit, so putting one between Dres and Jool would generate new asteroids near Jool.  If you find them already there, then it takes a lot less brute force to move them where you want them.

For a pure-stock solution, you could start at Dres instead of Kerbin.  Good luck with the launch windows.

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I'm interested in this because I'm probably going to take the class C I have orbiting Kerbin and return it to its family (Dres) I was thinking mun assist and when it gets to Dres rendezvous with it on a hyperbolic trajectory and switch asteroid tugs to save time. 

For your problem you need to save Delta-V on ejection from Kerbin. I would just say gravity assist and lots and lots of drop tanks. For my problem I'm trying to send an asteroid tug from Dres to save time. I'm thinking of rendezvousing and with tug #1 and the asteroid and give the asteroid to tug #2 so tug #1 can save fuel. 

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