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KSPField questions

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Is it possible to have an array or list of information stored as a persistent field in the game file?  I know I can do strings, ints, etc.  I'd like to avoid having to convert an array of ints to a string and then decode it back when the game loads.


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There's no built in way to parse and save lists, but you can do it manually with not that much code.  Something like:

public class MyModule : PartModule
    public List<int> theList = new List<int>();
    public override void OnLoad(ConfigNode node)
        foreach (string value in node.GetValues("nameInNode"))
    public override void OnSave(ConfigNode node)
        foreach (int value in theList)
            node.AddValue("nameInNode", value);

This is pretty quick and dirty and you'd probably want to have at least a bit of error handling in there, but hopefully you get the idea.

Edited by blowfish
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32 minutes ago, blowfish said:

There's no built in way to parse and save lists, but you can do it manually with not that much code.  Something like:

public class MyModule : PartModule
    public List<int> theList = new List<int>();
    public override void OnLoad(ConfigNode node)
        foreach (string value in node.GetValues("nameInNode"))
    public override void OnSave(ConfigNode node)
        foreach (int value in theList)
            node.AddValue("nameInNode", value);

This is pretty quick and dirty and you'd probably want to have at least a bit of error handling in there, but hopefully you get the idea.

That works for parts and part modules, but I want to do this for a game;  I've used the following successfully in other mods:


	[KSPScenario (ScenarioCreationOptions.AddToAllGames, new GameScenes[] {
	public class PDPNPersistent : ScenarioModule
		public static bool inited = false;

		[KSPField (isPersistant = true)]
		public int c1 = 0;

Will your method work for this as well?

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[Persistent] supports Lists and arrays. Simple example:

    class PersistentPartModuleExample : PartModule
        [Persistent] private string[] _testArray = { "Apple", "Pear" };
        [Persistent] private List<string> _testList = new List<string> { "Cucumber", "Carrot" };

        public override void OnSave(ConfigNode node)

        public override void OnLoad(ConfigNode node)
            ConfigNode.LoadObjectFromConfig(this, node.GetNode(GetType().FullName));

It also executes methods before and after serializing the object if the object implements IPersistenceSave and IPersistenceLoad. You can easily save a dictionary (or resolve a reference, set a field, etc) this way:

    class PersistentPartModuleExample : PartModule, IPersistenceSave, IPersistenceLoad
        // can't be serialized
        private Dictionary<string, string> _myDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();

        [Persistent] private List<string> _dictionaryKeys = new List<string>();
        [Persistent] private List<string> _dictionaryValues = new List<string>(); 

        public override void OnSave(ConfigNode node)

        public override void OnLoad(ConfigNode node)
            ConfigNode.LoadObjectFromConfig(this, node.GetNode(GetType().FullName));

        // just before serializing
        public void PersistenceSave()
            _dictionaryKeys = _myDictionary.Keys.ToList();
            _dictionaryValues = _myDictionary.Values.ToList();

        // just after deserializing
        public void PersistenceLoad()
            _myDictionary = Enumerable.Range(0, _dictionaryKeys.Count)
                .ToDictionary(idx => _dictionaryKeys[idx], idx => _dictionaryValues[idx]);

You can also serialize somewhat complex types with it. Maybe you have a class defining some information you want to persist. This particular one would be somewhat unpleasant to serialize manually (note its recursive nature):

class PersistentPartModuleExample : PartModule
    class ImportantDataToPersist
        [Persistent] public string ImportantThing = string.Empty;
        [Persistent] public double ImportantNumber; // note how it's a double? handled!
        [Persistent] public List<ImportantDataToPersist> Children = new List<ImportantDataToPersist>();

    [Persistent] private ImportantDataToPersist _importantStuff = new ImportantDataToPersist();

    public override void OnLoad(ConfigNode node)
        ConfigNode.LoadObjectFromConfig(this, node.GetNode(GetType().FullName));

    public override void OnSave(ConfigNode node)


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7 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

That works for parts and part modules, but I want to do this for a game;  I've used the following successfully in other mods:


Will your method work for this as well?

There's nothing really PartModule specific in the code I gave, it was just a convenient example.  ScenarioModule has the same method names OnSave and OnLoad, so yes, it will work.

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