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I've seen a few people do that with prop driven models, where the prop is providing enough airflow over the surfaces to control it, but presumably that's a ducted fan (I'm guessing a model jet wouldn't be responsive enough and have no sound on my work PC), so how the hell does he control it?

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2 hours ago, DDE said:

Had an Laythe spaceplane back in 0.9 who worked like this, yes I used stall+ parachutes for vertical decent then engine to soft land.
Not an good pilot, the ground tend to be bumpy and I wanted an water landing for science.
Worked nice enough.


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12 hours ago, magnemoe said:

Had an Laythe spaceplane back in 0.9 who worked like this, yes I used stall+ parachutes for vertical decent then engine to soft land.
Not an good pilot, the ground tend to be bumpy and I wanted an water landing for science.
Worked nice enough.


Oh yeah! Did the same thing on Kerbin with an early career plane when I had no wheeled gear unlocked.
I had to flip the thing around and then land on it's tail.
Needless to say that it was indeed very hard to do so with the controls getting flipped as well.

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