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I think there should be a game over for having 0 funds

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Here's how it would work, first, if you spent all of your funds, the game would give you a certain amount of time to accept a contract or use a strategy or you will have a game over screen. The game over screen would say "We've gone bankrupt! What now?" and you can choose to reload from last autosave/quicksave or quit to main menu.

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  On 6/19/2016 at 9:04 PM, Clockwork13 said:

It shouldn't necessarily be for having 0 funds. It should be for when you dont have enough funds to do anything AND there's absolutely nothing else you can do to get on your feet.


Contracts come around that might give you funds... so all it would take is just timewarp for a contract you can use.

Now, if the game were to deduct funds regularly, for example for KSC facility maintenance, and the bill comes in and there's not sufficient funds to pay for it, that'd be an appropriate way of declaring a bankrupt/game over.

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there are so many things you can do with 0 founds:

Sell science. -> if you have one lab you have a small amount of science incoming -> you can sell that.

Sell rockets -> i have some lifter in orbit, that have the posibility to land.

do contracts -> some contracts have a small amount of pre-paid, so its possible to do contracts...

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As some people have already said, having zero funds is not the end of a career game. It would also be incredibly difficult to program.

Maybe a requester could pop up when you get to zero funds to ask if you would like to continue your game will start a new one?

That would be much easier to code and would allow the player a chance to recover from a zero funds situation

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I seem to remember that the "game over" was meant to be from severely negative reputation. That makes more sense I feel. It's kind of hard to *get* such negative reputation even playing with no reverts, because most ways to lose rep also cost money, but that's an issue of the details of the game balance.

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I agree about the reputation suggestion by cantab. Reputation is a real world system analogue for governments and/or enterprises to cease maintaining any program (space program in this case)
To base a game over on funds is unrealistic because the whole funds operation in KSP is unrealistic in itself.
And as suggested, you just timewarp to a contract that doesn't require funds like "science in space around kerbin"
Or testing a part on the launchpad (requires almost no funds)
And since you can never lose all your funds to zero this way unless you do it on purpose you always have enough to get more with above methods.
Also, if you manage to get zero funds you can still use cheats to get more,
And since you can cheat anyway, you will still be able to edit the persistent or quiksave.sfs files to add funds once you get zero.
So why there should then be a "game over"message introduced for the 1 in 1billionth of a chance that you do manage to get zero funds (likely on purpose) is beyond me.
"Game over" is a term used in games that uses a point to end point system. Like Super mario for instance.
A "Game over" function in a sandbox game is usually rare, although Minecraft does spring to mind. Something like that just doesn't fit in KSP. And neither do real life space programs go "Game over"

Edited by Vaporized Steel
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