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Much like the title says and much like the post here except it's a different clamp-o-tron model. 

After achieving stable Low Mun Orbit and manning the lander can I would normally just undock and proceed with landing. But the Clamp-O-Tron fails to react completely to the given command! Much like the Apollo missions, when achieving LKO after launch I would decouple from the lander, set the can's clamp-o-tron as target and dock. Obviously this wasn't an issue, and I didn't bothered testing undocking because why would I? This shouldn't happen. Even worse, the button disappears! 

The images illustrate the problem. 

I tested decoupling with the space station I have around LKO and they work fine, no issues there. 
The issue never happened during 1.1.2

Link to output_log:


An interesting line read the following: 

(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 64)


I'm still very unfamiliar with the log though, so I'll leave it to someone more knowledgeable. 

Please note that I play with mods installed, but when issues like this occur I always test both ways to see if the problem persist. In this case I submit, the problem was persistent with both modded and unmodded installs. 
EDIT: The vessel consists of only KSP vanilla parts. 

Thanks in advance for any help that you may provide! 

Edited by Zwieg88
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  On 6/24/2016 at 2:43 PM, sal_vager said:

So this is intermittent?  I have not seen it yet.

Guys if you could open a bug report on the tracker and add your saves, logs and settings.cfg it'll help a lot.



  On 6/25/2016 at 2:30 AM, Claw said:

Yes. Logs aren't very helpful for this particular bug, but .craft files that reliably replicate and the save files are most helpful.



I'll leave both save (quicksave and persistent included) and craft files here but I'll also upload to the bugtracker. 

I've decided to start a new sandbox game for unmodded testing exclusively, since I play with mods often but like I've said, I always replicate it with a clean install to verify it isn't a mod merely interfering. So the save file here has only the relevant flight in progress with the persistent issue. 

Also note: If you are going to fly my craft starting from launch pad just be sure to keep an eye on the staging order, as it seems to flip and move whenever you decouple and re-dock with the module. The flight in progress in the save file is already docked with the module and flying at LKO, but with the staging corrected as to avoid confusing any testers. 

Save Files:
Craft File:

On another note, I have found a 'band-aid solution' to the problem but only using mods, particularly KIS and KAS. What I did was redesign the craft with the storage modules from KAS attached and the tools from KIS inside. It is then merely a process of detaching the Clamp-O-Tron from either the lander can or the mk1-2 command pod and the ships are finally separated. Then reattaching with the KIS tools again and voila! Hopefully that won't be necessary in the near future though.


EDIT: Link to Bugtracker report: http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/10045

Edited by Zwieg88
Adding Bugtracker link
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Can anyone reproduce this with a save that's never been modded?

@Zwieg88 your save is throwing errors.

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@luizopiloto so is yours.

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TRScenario shows up in both on reverting to the KSC.

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  On 6/30/2016 at 11:55 AM, sal_vager said:

Can anyone reproduce this with a save that's never been modded?

@Zwieg88 your save is throwing errors.

  Reveal hidden contents

@luizopiloto so is yours.

  Reveal hidden contents

TRScenario shows up in both on reverting to the KSC.


Texture Replace settings for kerbal skins... have nothihng to do with this bug in special...

I have to test it more, but I suppose this bug only happens if both docked crafts are "sub-assemblies" w/o the original root part. because it have never happened for me on crafts with their original root parts in it...

Edited by luizopiloto
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While texture replacer is unlikely to be a cause it can still be a cause, as loading any mods can change how KSP runs, so it cannot be ruled out until this is reproduced in a stock install and a stock save.

What we need.


Which information should your support request have?

  • KSP version including Windows, Mac, or Linux, 32 or 64-bit, and if it's Steam
  • A detailed explanation of what happened and what you were trying to accomplish
  • A screenshot of your craft or any relevant screens
  • A .craft file or save files if relevant
  • The ouput_log.txt or player.log file KSP creates when it launches and, if applicable, the crash log KSP has generated when the program crashed
  • A detailed list of system specifications
  • Are you running a clean installation, or have you updated and some of your persistence or craft files might be older versions, if so which version(s)

In addition, steps to cause this issue that the developers can follow, it is extremely difficult to fix an issue if it cannot be reproduced.

So if anyone can find a way to trigger this in stock please let me know.

Thank you.

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You can aways remove this mod sections (TRScecenario and KerbalAlarmClockScenario) from the save file...
I posted it on the stock section because It involves a stock feature (docking) using stock parts... as the inly mods I use only adds info and changes some visuals... never touching the gameplay... I'm only trying to help... a Dev asked for a save file... I gave him a save file... and I'm sure he knows what to do with it...

Edited by luizopiloto
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I tried that, no success.

I'm also trying to cause this bug, with no success, as it really helps the devs to know the steps that caused an issue to occur, as having an affected save only shows the result, not the cause.

If you could try your vessel again and see if this occurs every time or randomly that would help.

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I have the same problem. So I tried to recreate it in stock. And I was successful in recreating the bug. 

There is no info in the debug window regarding docking. So this was the procedure: 

1. Create craft with multiple docking ports ( Standard size ).

2. Create smaller craft with two docking ports on it. 

3. Dock those crafts in Kerbin orbit.

4. Dock second small craft ( three in total )

5. Redock one of crafts to another port. I moved it like sho on picture. This was the last craft that was docked.

6. The first docked craft became undockable.

Version used: on windows 10.



Here is link to save file: DROPBOX link.z7


P.S.: All crafts were built from scratch on freshly installed KSP.

Edited by bungee-
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  On 7/1/2016 at 12:53 AM, bungee- said:

I have the same problem. So I tried to recreate it in stock. And I was successful in recreating the bug. 

There is no info in the debug window regarding docking. So this was the procedure: 

1. Create craft with multiple docking ports ( Standard size ).

2. Create smaller craft with two docking ports on it. 

3. Dock those crafts in Kerbin orbit.

4. Dock second small craft ( three in total )

5. Redock one of crafts to another port. I moved it like sho on picture. This was the last craft that was docked.

6. The first docked craft became undockable.

Version used: on windows 10.



Here is link to save file: DROPBOX link.z7


P.S.: All crafts were built from scratch on freshly installed KSP.


Thank you @bungee-, I'll give this a go, I was just docking craft in a line (craft with and without their original root)




Still unable to reproduce this, and your save folder shows me the bug hit before you docked/moved the second vessel, all of the backup saves have the same issue.

Can you remember the steps you took when deploying this station and docking the first vessel?

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Well as I recall it was pretty uneventful "wet spaghetti" launch for both crafts. I'll try to "dry" dock crafts on Kerbin. I'll report the results. Is there any way to produce more detailed log? I'm willing to put more effort into it. 


Results of "dry" docking ... I used new save and I put together allot of cars docked, undocked and mess around with them the undockable port was not reproduced. I even built small craft powered by RCS and hack gravity and to the same result - not reproducible.

Trying now with smaller craft in orbit

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I've been getting this bug, or version of it, and I can tell you a very good way of actually reproducing it: save under the influence of the docking magnet, then reload (or exit the scene and go back to it).

I am also kind of adept at unborking the ports in the save file. The trick is to name the bugged ports so you can find them in the huge .txt, find out which one of them is the docker and which the dockee, and then fix the state and/or dockId of the one that shows up an anomalous state. (I.E one that is not "Ready", "Docked (docker)" or "Dock (dockee)"). Checking out how a pair of ports that work is set up usually helps, so you have a working example. In the same module you can also see which options show up on the right-click menu, it's rather intuitive (true/false kind of thing). Oh, and search for parts by their Id so once you find one of the docking ports a simple search shows you what it thinks it's docked to. As always, back up before attempting savefile surgery.

Someone should do a hunt for the module that keeps assigning states like "Docked (same vessel)" and such, variations of this bug have been hunting KSP ever since docking has been a thing.


Rune. Fixing this is how I got my save-fu... and a healthy habit of name-saving before docking.

Edited by Rune
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I have this same exact problem too. I also am running 1.1.3 on Windows 10. Sadly the bug ruined my Saturn V and I am no longer able to land on the Mun :(. I may have found a solution:


Hope this helps.

Edited by Munbro Kerman
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I wonder, did any of you have fairings on your ships? You'll understand why I ask in a moment.

I am running the steam version of KSP on a 64-bit Windows 10 desktop, equipped with 32 gigabytes of RAM, and a GTX960. The CPU is an i7-6700K

I have not only found a possible workaround, I came up with a reliable way to reproduce:

Steps to reproduce:

1 -Build a small rover with an attachment point on the front.
2 -Attach a fairing, but don't create it just yet.
3 -Attach the dock to the base of the fairing.
4 -Create the fairing so that it overlaps the dock.
5 -Save(you should always save) and launch two of these craft.
6 -Dock them, quicksave, and observe what happens when you try to undock them.

I tried this three times, and all three times they jammed together, even if you remove the fairings afterward. Below is an image of the bugged-out rovers.

  Reveal hidden contents

Here are the links to the .craft and the quicksave (post glitches): Undocking Glitch.craft , quicksave.sfs

One thing to note, two other tests seem to indicate that if you jettison the fairings before (not after) docking, it will allow you to undock as normal.

Also, I have found a workaround after my original encounter with this bug:

0 -Back up your save file, or create a named quicksave to work on.
1 -Disable crossfeed on the docking ports and quicksave.
2 -Use control-F to find the docking port you selected. It will have the state 'active = True' Under the tag 'EnableXFeed'
2b -Alternatively, you can search the name of the docked craft if the names are unique.
3 -Make note of it's UIDs.
4 -Follow the UIDs of the docking ports until you find the one with 'State = Docked (same vessel)'
5 -Change the state to 'Docked (docker)'
6 -Save your work and load up the quicksave.
7 -When you click undock, they should behave as normal.

It is deceptively simple, but it worked for me. Hopefully it will work for you. Alternativley, you can reduce the chances of this happening by removing the fairings from any craft that can do without it.

I have updated the bug tracker with this new information, but seeing that the link is already on this page, I don't feel the need to re-post it. I hope this helps.

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  On 7/1/2016 at 9:54 PM, Munbro Kerman said:

I have this same exact problem too. I also am running 1.1.3 on Windows 10. Sadly the bug ruined my Saturn V and I am no longer able to land on the Mun :(. I may have found a solution:


Hope this helps.


Yup, after reading the tale of your troubles, I believe it is indeed the very same bug I have experienced on more than one occasion. The problem is the darned thing is not obvious when it happens, as you only find out when you want to undock. And yeah, that guide you link there in the reddit conversation is really the thing to look up when you want to fix a save with this issue. But long story short, hunt for "docked (same vessel)" states and make sure the DockId of the two ports is set up correctly, and that the... dockee was it? has its docked vessel module.


Rune. Does "Docked (same vessel)" actually serve a purpose?

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I really thought this had been fixed, it's a shame to find it hasn't, I wasn't saving/loading during the last stages of docking (why do people do this anyway?) so I guess that's why I've failed to trigger it.

@Rune, have you tried the docking fix in 1.1.3?

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  On 7/1/2016 at 10:23 PM, sal_vager said:

I really thought this had been fixed, it's a shame to find it hasn't, I wasn't saving/loading during the last stages of docking (why do people do this anyway?) so I guess that's why I've failed to trigger it.

@Rune, have you tried the docking fix in 1.1.3?


Nope, I haven't yet had the problem appear in this version. It appears to "infect" spaceships (like, stations where you have it happen will continue to have it happen after you fix it), and I basically spent the whole 1.1-1.1.2 period cleaning up my main savefile of old stuff and updating ships, partly because of it. I've barely flown in 1.1.3 anything other than test flights!


Rune. It is a scary save. Chuggin' along since 0.90 I think!

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Tested on Kerbin again this time I added the fairings and docking port was directly attached to the fairings part. Fairings were jettisoned and when I docked the two vessels together they stuck. And I was not saving in between. What I notices in debug window there is a bunch of exceptions when using vessel with the fairings.

[Exception]: ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range. Parameter name: index.


Edited by bungee-
Confirmed if the vessel has docking port on the fairings part, then every other docking port will become stuck. If there is no fairings parts on vessel docking works.
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Sadly, this bug appears to have infected my most recent 1.1.3 RSS moon landing attempt - causing an 11 to become a 10 minus.  Thankfully the boys back at North American Aviation installed the appropriate pyrotechnic devices to cut loose the LM and set it adrift in Lunar orbit. :wink:

I can say that the above analysis of save files did help in understanding how it happened. Many thanks to all above!

My only hope is that this thread helps to prioritise timely dev analysis and hot fixing ( - since docking is an essential pathway for total KSP fulfilment - and a console release with this bug installed as a feature will likely not be a good thing.

EDIT: Will attempt again with same vessel (Since I'm using stock parts) without RSS - without hope or expectation...

EDIT2: Yup. Sans fairing - OK.  Fairing - Not OK.

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  On 7/1/2016 at 9:57 PM, Trekkerjoe said:

0 -Back up your save file, or create a named quicksave to work on.
1 -Disable crossfeed on the docking ports and quicksave.
2 -Use control-F to find the docking port you selected. It will have the state 'active = True' Under the tag 'EnableXFeed'
2b -Alternatively, you can search the name of the docked craft if the names are unique.
3 -Make note of it's UIDs.
4 -Follow the UIDs of the docking ports until you find the one with 'State = Docked (same vessel)'
5 -Change the state to 'Docked (docker)'

6 -Save your work and load up the quicksave.
7 -When you click undock, they should behave as normal.

It is deceptively simple, but it worked for me. Hopefully it will work for you. Alternativley, you can reduce the chances of this happening by removing the fairings from any craft that can do without it.

I have updated the bug tracker with this new information, but seeing that the link is already on this page, I don't feel the need to re-post it. I hope this helps.


I find...

state = 0
connected = True
attached = True

...when I search.  I do not see any reference to "Docked" 

Am i missing something? (Other than personal intelligence!) :wink:




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