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I find...

state = 0
connected = True
attached = True

...when I search.  I do not see any reference to "Docked" 

Am i missing something? (Other than personal intelligence!) :wink:





Ah, this is interesting. I looked up the state in one of my saves. It appears that is part of the fairing's variables. If you had selected the docking port and followed The UID's to reach this, then (I think) the dock thinks it's connected to the fairing, and not the other port. I assume you searched in both directions for the docked state, which might mean my workaround wont apply.

Nevertheless, my instructions were a bit vague, so I will hopefully get it right this time:

1 -Go in game and click disable crossfeed on both ports. Make sure these are the only ports with crossfeed disabled.

2 -Quicksave. If you name the quicksave you can skip step 3.

3 -Make a backup, just in case.

4 -Open in a text editor and search 'enableXfeed'.

5 -If the value is 'active = true' then you found your first docking port.

6 -Scroll up and you should see something like this:

                    name = ModuleDockingNode
                    isEnabled = True
                    crossfeed = True
                    stagingEnabled = False
                    state = Docked (same vessel)
                    dockUId = 3166665770
                    dockNodeIdx = 0

Scroll down and hope you see something like this:

                        vesselName = [insert name here]
                        vesselType = 6
                        rootUId = 382421102

If you don't see this, then refer back to some other guide, as they go in-depth on how to reconstruct this part of the file.

7 -You want to write down the UIDs, just in case you need to relink the two ports. (Again, there are a lot of better guides for this.)

8 -If you see this: 'state = Docked (same vessel)'  change it to this: ' state = Docked (docker) ' if the other port is 'Docked(dockee)' and vice versa.

9 -Repeat steps 4-8 one more time on the other port.

10- Go back through the ports and make sure that each dockUID actually leads to the other port, which is done by checking if the crossfeed state is enabled on that part. If it is not, then you will have to relink them.

11 -Save your work and load the quicksave.

Hopefully this will work. If it messes anything up, even if you have a backup, I will take the guides down to avoid further mishaps.

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I just fell victim to this with what I think is my first docking in 1.1.3.  Mun orbit, I'm not sure my fuel tanks are all stock but the rest of both craft are (although both launched with non-stock parts that fell back onto Kerbin.)  No fairings, no save/load during the process, one docking port per craft.  Both docking ports launched with simple nosecones attached.

I docked the craft, refueled my lander and now I can't let go.

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I've added two new bits to my StockBugFixes add-on. One part should prevent the issue from happening (which is triggered by jettisoning fairings before docking). The second addition will add a "Force Undock" option to the port's right-click menu when a stuck port is detected. It will only show on one port, because that should be the cleanest port to undock from (on the code side).


If you want to manually edit the save file to recover (vice using an add-on), what you actually need to look for is the port that's with a state "Disengage" but still has a "DOCKEDVESSEL" info block. That's the port that is stuck and need fixing. There are several ways to fix it, but the easiest way is to scroll up to the line that says "parent = ##" and the line that says "attN = top, -1". Change it to say "attN = top, ##" where "##" is the number from the parent line. Then go in-game and you'll get the "Decouple" option instead of undock.

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