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KSC Map View Icon (Reprised)

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I'd like to revisit a suggestion posted a couple times back in 2014 (Alshain and DeafFrog) for a map view/tracking station icon to pinpoint the location of the KSC.  (Yes, I can spot the KSC peninsula from space no problem; I am aware of the flag trick and have used it many times; and I know you can use Waypoint Manager to place a marker.)

Benefits of a Unique Icon:

  • Overcome specific shortcomings of the aforementioned tricks:
    • For people who use cloud mods and cannot necessarily see the peninsula from orbit
    • For early career mode when flag planting is not available
    • For people who don't use the Waypoint Manager mod
  • Setting icon as a target for landing/reentry
  • Setting icon as a target for positioning a geostationary satellite directly over the KSC


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I don't think of this often because I am so familiar with Kerbin's terrain that I can immediately spot where the KSC is, provided it's on the day side. This is annoying when it's on the night side because there are no night lights to reveal the coastline (I need to get a city lights mod). But when I was newer and as-yet unfamiliar with Kerbin's terrain, it was very difficult to find the KSC.

I think it would be great to have a KSC pin on the map and, provided there is a way to turn it off, I can't think of any downsides.

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If new games were initialized with a flag between launchpad and runway, that would seem to serve all the needs without needing any new mechanism.   One can remove the flag through the tracking station, or by EVA after learning to plant flags.

Edited by OHara
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A targetable 'beacon' of some form would IMO be a sensible feature.  Although it is easy enough to plant a flag or park a rover if you want, some form of unique KSC icon would be better.

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I suspect you may actually see this addition in the same patch they add clouds (note: I have no actual idea that is going to happen, just a hunch).  Since they have said they want a visual enhancement pass, that probably will be soon enough, assuming they ever get the game stable again.

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