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Is this a glitch or am I inept?

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Hello everyone, this is my first post!

Anyways, I just got the full version today, and I\'m trying out the whole spaceplane bit, and I\'ve got one built but I\'m not sure if I\'ve built it correctly or not because whenever I press 'g' to retract the landing gears, instead of retracting the landing gears, the wings simply fall off. The same behavior occurs right off the bat if I hit restart flight, and as such the only way for it to even fly is going back to the hangar and then flying it.

So, has anyone else had this problem, and if so, what did you do to fix it?

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  voleurinconnu said:

Hello everyone, this is my first post!

Anyways, I just got the full version today, and I\'m trying out the whole spaceplane bit, and I\'ve got one built but I\'m not sure if I\'ve built it correctly or not because whenever I press 'g' to retract the landing gears, instead of retracting the landing gears, the wings simply fall off. The same behavior occurs right off the bat if I hit restart flight, and as such the only way for it to even fly is going back to the hangar and then flying it.

So, has anyone else had this problem, and if so, what did you do to fix it?

I haven\'t had this, but it could be weak attachments to the wings. Try adding struts.


Welcome to the KSP forums! Happy flying!


Resident Capt\'n Skunky Impersonator

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Thanks for the welcome and the response, but it doesn\'t look like that\'s it, unfortunately.

I tried adding several struts connecting the wings to the fuselage...and to everything else, actually, but nothing did the trick, they still just pop off like they did before. :/

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Do you know how to post a screenshot?* It would help if we could see it.

I don\'t know about the wheels things, but 'restart' the flight does seem to cause problems sometimes, in this version of the game, anyway. It\'s better to fully refresh and reset everything by going back to the hangar and re-initiating the flight from there.

*Look at your ship, then press F1, and that will put a picture in your KSP screenshots folder. The simplist thing to do from there is use 'attachments and other options' from the post compositiion screen. Then it shows up like this: (one of my early Mun landing attempts)

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Do they fall off instantly or break off slowly? Also, can you tell if your central gear is retracting?

Finally, if you could post a craft file so we can test, that would be helpful. (Ksp/ships/SPH/)

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Update: I just went into the hangar, took off the landing gear placed on the wings, placed them right back on the same spot, and viola, it works just fine.

I\'ve got no idea what went wrong with it, or anything, but for some reason that\'s all it needed. I\'m amazed I didn\'t think to do that earlier, though.

But regardless, thank you for all the help!

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Well, if you\'ve got a

in there, that\'s most likely the problem. :D
I\'m amazed I didn\'t think to do that earlier
Not that amazing: there\'s no reason why it should have worked. It\'s just part of the fun and mystery.

My turn to ask, how does one post a craft file? Is it just an attachment like the screenshots?

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  voleurinconnu said:

I\'m trying out the whole spaceplane bit, and I\'ve got one built but I\'m not sure if I\'ve built it correctly or not because whenever I press 'g' to retract the landing gears, instead of retracting the landing gears, the wings simply fall off.

Oh god my sides. Sigging this, that\'s an extremely Kerbal quote.

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Here\'s an official thumbs up of approval and internet awesomeness from me ;)

It seems like you encountered one of those one-instance bugs that are solved by refreshing, in this case, removing and readding a part, it\'s weird sometimes.

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