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This bug makes career mode unplayable: kerbonaut cost not resetting between games.

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Here is the official report: http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/10073


In the meantime, I am posting here to see if anyone can help me with a temporary fix before the next update, because I really really want to play this game (on career mode). Deleting all of my save files as well as deleting the game and redownloading on steam did no help, so I feel like I am at a dead end.

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  On 6/29/2016 at 3:30 PM, Thalamask said:

I don't know whether this will help you, but in my career, I haven't hired a single kerbonaut at all. I've just got all of them from doing rescue contracts.


I appreciate the idea (and I didn't know about that) but I am still a beginner, and crashing my ships and dying is still a relatively common thing for me. I can't imagine me making it that far in the game without needing to buy a couple new kerbals. And that's fine, because I'm having fun learning the basics of the game. 

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  On 6/29/2016 at 5:42 PM, Violent Jeb said:


When you start a new career, a new folder for that save should be made.. off the top of my head, maybe you used to the same career name and somehow the config file kept the value from the previous save. Other options might be that you quickloaded back into the previous game.

Alternatively, i'm sure there is a cost modifier somewhere in your career file. but I don't really know where you'd find it. Open it up and try ctrl-f ("search") for the current cost value of a new Kerbal. This is all just conjecture



I am definitely not reloading old saves, nor am I creating new saves with the same name.

I thought I might have to go in and delete some file. Problem is, Kerbal Space Program is a big folder, and I don't even know where to looking. I tried doing a search for "131000" which is the current cost of a new kerbal whenever I start a new game on hard (and I have two save files with this), but nothing came up in the search.

Edited by matthew49
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Hiring Kerbals is supposed to be expensive. The prices you list in your bug report are the same ones I see too.

Also, I'm confused. You are new to the game, you keep crashing and running out of Kerbals, you haven't managed to rescue anyone yet, but according to the bug tracker you are playing all your games on "hard". Have you considered maybe playing on "easy" until you have learned to accomplish some of these tasks?

I've been playing this game for years, and IMO "hard" is not "hard," it's actually "masochistic desire to do a lot of grinding". Actually playing the game is no harder or easier on any of the settings. The only things that change is how expensive things are, how much money you make from the contracts, how much science you get and need, and therefore how many grindy missions you need to fly before you can unlock new stuff. If you can't fly every mission perfectly, you will lose money rather than gaining it on "hard", and that seems to be your problem.

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Is anyone else seeing this? I just tested it here and my existing saves and new saves are showing the correct hiring fee.

Tested on Linux 1259 (1.1.3)

matthew49, we need more info from you on this issue, just saying it happened is not enough.


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hahahahahaha sorry everyone, no bug. I thought kerbonaut cost increased with total number of kerbonauts you bought throughout the game, but in fact it is dependent on the number you currently have active. Everything makes sense now and is working fine.

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