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[1.10.x] LoadingTipsPlus (V1.98) 17th Oct 2020


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This little modlet provides the ability to modify and add any Text to the KSP loading Screen ToolTips....



This mod includes version checking using MiniAVC.
If you opt-in, it will use the internet to check whether there is a new version available.
Data is only read from the internet and no personal information is sent.
For a more comprehensive version checking experience, please download the KSP-AVC Plugin

Install Instructions:

Source Code on GitHub here
If you like my mods and you want to show your support, then you can support me on Patreon:

Download from CurseForge, SpaceDock, or GitHub
SpaceDock runs and makes mods available to you based purely on donation. If you don't want to pledge to me at least
Consider pledging to keep SpaceDock going if you use it.  8VWCQzN.png

Completely delete any previous install folder from GameData before updating from a previous version.
Un-zip into your GameData folder.

Other Mods: Other Mods can include their own config.ltp in their distributions in the file format below to add their own Mod specific ToolTips.

To Modify ToolTips: Change the included \Plugins\PluginData\Config.ltp file or you can add your own file.
For LoadingTipsPlus to pick up your file it must follow these rules:
It MUST be somewhere in your GameData folder.
It MUST have the file extension ".ltp".
It MUST follow this format:

	Overwrite = false 
	ToolTip = Tooltips brought to you by LoadingToolTipsPlus... 
	ToolTip2 = REPOSoftTech bringing you fun Mods.

You can add as many ToolTip = strings as you like. The Overwrite parameter tells LoadingTipsPlus whether to Replace the Stock ToolTips (set to true) or append your ToolTips to the Stock list (set to false - default).
You can also put Localization tags instead of English and supply your own Localization cfg file.
Put the following in your .ltp file

	Overwrite = false
	ToolTip = #autoLOC_LTIPSPLUS_0001	

Supply a Localization cfg file (add in any and all supported language Nodes with the appropriate translated text:

		#autoLOC_LTIPSPLUS_0001 = Tooltips brought to you by LoadingToolTipsPlus...			


Be a :cool:COOL :cool:PERSON and help me by raising bugs and feature requests on GitHub here.

For support please ensure you are following these instructions.
From now on I will NOT respond to requests for support if you have not at least attempted to follow these simple steps.


When I ask for a LOG I mean this LOG:

  1. KSP versions 1.3.1 and below:
    • Windows: KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt -OR- KSP_win64\KSP_x64_DATA\output_log.txt (depending on which used)
      - In case you installed KSP into a Windows protected directory (C:\Users, C:\Program Files or C:\Windows\ and their subfolders) the output log file may be stored in the folder called C:\Users\[username]\Appdata, this folder is usually hidden so you should enable the view hidden folders option (more information). Note that for the demo you should find the output_log.txt file located in the KSP_Data folder.
      - Steam users should right click KSP in Steam, click on Properties, then in the Properties box, click Local Files, then Browse Local Files.
    • Mac OSX: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log Aka Files>~/Library/Logs/Unity/Player.log
    • Linux: The log is written to /home/user/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal Space Program/Player.log
  2. KSP versions 1.4.0 and above:
    • Windows: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program\output_log.txt
      - This folder is usually hidden so you should enable the view hidden folders option (more information).
    • Mac OSX: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log Aka Files>~/Library/Logs/Unity/Player.log
    • Linux: The log is written to ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal Space Program/Player.log

Whilst I agree CKAN is a great mod for those that can't use Zip tools. I take no part, nor am I interested in maintaining the CKAN mod metadata for my mods.
Please don't ask me about it but refer to the CKAN mod thread if you are having issues with CKAN or the metadata it maintains.

License is : ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. You may NOT re-host this mod for re-distribution on any website without my permission.


Re-compile for KSP 1.10.x
Re-compile for KSP 1.8.x
Re-compile for KSP 1.5.x
Re-compile for KSP 1.4.1
Re-compile for KSP 1.3.1
Re-compile for KSP 1.3, also support Languages/Localization.
Re-compile and bump version for KSP 1.2.2
Re-Compile for KSP 1.2.1
Re-Compile for KSP 1.2
Initial Release


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[irony]will you add it to CKAN?[/irony]

joking :wink:
thanks for "this glorious lil peace of work" @Kottabos would say :D

did u take some data of the influence of the mod for loading performance?
having my own "hints" in it might get boring one day - what do you think of extending it for beeing able to read out a community-based hint-base?

another idea: would it be possible to list the mods loaded meanwhile and perhaps the time it took for each mod / feature? would be very helpful for heavily modded games.

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Apart from a few milliseconds(seconds). - it really depends on how many tips you add, but it's negligible, there is NO other impact to loading times. It will already support a community driven tips list, and in fact, that was part of my thinking in creating this.

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sorry, didnt make clear what i was thinking about:

a web-hosted list that has someday tons of hints and for each request replying with a list of ~10-20 of them, so ppl wont have the same hints all day, but something else on each boot.
it shouldnt download the whole list, but it might be possible to configure a webserver to answer for each request with 20 random hints which the client then stores and displays.

This web-hosted list would have to be maintained, sure - but it might be worth some work - what do u think?

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Awesome, been meaning to do this in Contract Configurator since the tooltips got (relatively) opened up.  Now I don't have to.

Although the custom file extension and loading method makes me sad, as that means no Module Manager. ;.;

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First of all: Thank you sooo much for this mod :o))

I just plain hate loading tips. I feel insulted by developers when i get told
how the game works for the 50th time. I guess the reason for the devs to do those
loading tips is that gamers (KSP-gamers exluded obviously, we do SCIENCE here!)
are getting dumber by the steamrelease and also that devs do not make printed manuals anymore.

Aaaaanyways, Squad at least made them a bit funny (stretched),
which is a recent development in games that i welcome very much.

Although, it is a bit different as a modder who has to start the game a hundred
times per day (at least!). Then any loading tip (with or w/o delay) is simply annoying.


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If you're looking for tip content (as in a "default" pack to go with it, although that might be outside your intent) maybe talk to @TriggerAu? He has KSP Tips, they're in game KSC screen tips, but I bet some of them could be converted to a batch of loading screen informative tips for newer players. And rumor has it with the influx of console players, we'll be see a lot of new players. Assuming they can run PC mods, that is.:P

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4 hours ago, nightingale said:

Awesome, been meaning to do this in Contract Configurator since the tooltips got (relatively) opened up.  Now I don't have to.

Although the custom file extension and loading method makes me sad, as that means no Module Manager. ;.;

Had to do the custom extension, etc, as it runs BEFORE MM has a chance to do anything.

1 hour ago, DStaal said:

I like the idea.  One comment: Could the 'Overwrite' parameter be limited to a central config file?  I really don't see that as something mods should be playing with - it should be the player's choice.

Let's see if it becomes a problem.

6 hours ago, Speadge said:

sorry, didnt make clear what i was thinking about:

a web-hosted list that has someday tons of hints and for each request replying with a list of ~10-20 of them, so ppl wont have the same hints all day, but something else on each boot.
it shouldnt download the whole list, but it might be possible to configure a webserver to answer for each request with 20 random hints which the client then stores and displays.

This web-hosted list would have to be maintained, sure - but it might be worth some work - what do u think?

That's a fair bit of work. Currently it will support a community driven config file. Similar to the community science file.

1 hour ago, Deimos Rast said:


If you're looking for tip content (as in a "default" pack to go with it, although that might be outside your intent) maybe talk to @TriggerAu? He has KSP Tips, they're in game KSC screen tips, but I bet some of them could be converted to a batch of loading screen informative tips for newer players. And rumor has it with the influx of console players, we'll be see a lot of new players. Assuming they can run PC mods, that is.:P

Are you volunteering to start up the community Tips list? :D

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I started the conversion of @TriggerAu's tips, to save him time if he wants to allow them. I can't finish them right now, so maybe somone else can do a few more, then the next person does a few more, etc.

Here is the file from his mod:

    Question = Missing future orbits in Map view?
    Answer = Upgrade your Tracking Station to Level 2 to see the orbits including SOI changes
    Image = Gene
    GameMode = Career
    ModAssembly = 
    Question = Want to see some advanced paths?
    Answer = Upgrade the Tracking Station and Mission control to unlock Maneuver Nodes
    Image = Gene
    GameMode = Career
    ModAssembly = 
    Question = Can't find any Asteroids?
    Answer = Is your Tracking Station at Level 3
    Image = Gene
    GameMode = Career
    ModAssembly = 
    Question = Want to increase how many contracts you can take on?
    Answer = Upgrade your Mission Control
    Image = Mortimer
    GameMode = Career
    ModAssembly = 
    Question = Unable to research higher level Technologies?
    Answer = Have you upgraded your R&D Complex lately
    Image = Wernher
    GameMode = Career
    ModAssembly = 
    Question = Need some more slots to hire more crew?
    Answer = Look to upgrade your Astronaut Complex
    Image = Kerbal
    GameMode = Career
    ModAssembly = 
    Question = Want to get out of your vessel in space (EVA)?
    Answer = Upgrade your Astronaut Complex to Level 2
    Image = Jebediah
    GameMode = Career
    ModAssembly = 
    Question = Want to make your mark by planting a flag?
    Answer = Make sure your Astronaut Complex is Level 2 or better
    Image = Wernher
    GameMode = Career
    ModAssembly = 
    Question = Is your Rocket Overweight?
    Answer = Put it on a diet or upgrade your Launchpad to take heavier rockets
    Image = Gus
    GameMode = Career
    ModAssembly = 
    Question = Is your rocket crushing the Launchpad?
    Answer = Add Launch clamps to spread the weight and survive
    Image = Gus
    GameMode = Career
    ModAssembly = 
    Question = Want to get more science from your experiments?
    Answer = Take along a scientist to increase the return
    Image = Wernher
    GameMode = Career
    ModAssembly = 
    Question = Need to repair Parachutes,Landing Legs or Wheels?
    Answer = Level up and take along an Engineer
    Image = Gus
    GameMode = Career
    ModAssembly = 
    Question = Need some fancy pilot assistance?
    Answer = Level up a pilot so he can help you with more SAS modes
    Image = Linus
    GameMode = Career
    ModAssembly = 
    Question = Try the new rotation Gizmo in the Editor ("2")
    Answer = You can really make things twist
    Image = Linus
    GameMode = Career
    ModAssembly = 
    Question = Having trouble finding that survey location?
    Answer = Click it in the map and select Activate Navigation for a navball helper
    Image = GroundCrew
    GameMode = Career
    ModAssembly = 
    Question = Looking to boost your Reputation?
    Answer = Find my PR Strategies in the Administration Building
    Image = Walt
    GameMode = Career
    ModAssembly = 
    Question = Looking to make Funds faster?
    Answer = Maybe my financial strategies in the Administration Building can help
    Image = Mortimer
    GameMode = Career
    ModAssembly = 
    Question = Looks like your trying to write a letter...
    Answer = Oh...  no you're not...
    Image = Walt
    GameMode = 
    ModAssembly = 
    Question = Can't steer your plane?
    Answer = Try putting control surfaces far from the center of mass for greatest effect
    Image = GroundCrew
    GameMode = 
    ModAssembly = 
    Question = Can't steer your rocket?
    Answer = Reaction wheels, control surfaces, gimballing engines and high-level pilots can all help
    Image = Jebediah
    GameMode = 
    ModAssembly = 
    Question = Trying to choose what engine to use?
    Answer = Surface ISP shows how well an engine performs in atmosphere, and Vacuum ISP shows it for space
    Image = Wernher
    GameMode = 
    ModAssembly = 
    Question = Engines too powerful?
    Answer = Use the thrust limiter in the VAB to tune engines to the right strength
    Image = Linus
    GameMode = 
    ModAssembly = 
    Question = Did you know it is possible to go too fast?
    Answer = You'll waste lots of fuel pushing against the air in the lower atmosphere
    Image = Gus
    GameMode = 
    ModAssembly = 
    Question = Unsure how to cancel out speed when docking?
    Answer = Use target mode on the navball and burn retrograde
    Image = Jebediah
    GameMode = 
    ModAssembly = 
    Question = Have you visited the Island Runway?
    Answer = Its a great view from the top of the tower
    Image = Walt
    GameMode = 
    ModAssembly = 
    Question = Feeling like some Chocolate?
    Answer = Did you know there are Easter Eggs hidden throughout the Kerbol system
    Image = Kerbal
    GameMode = 
    ModAssembly = 
    Question = Need to make sure you dont lose that Asteroid
    Answer = Make sure you "Track" it in the Tracking Station
    Image = Gene
    GameMode = 
    ModAssembly = 
    Question = Run out of Money?
    Answer = You can accept contracts for their advances to get a short term boost, but be careful...
    Image = Mortimer
    GameMode = 
    ModAssembly = 
    Question = Having trouble testing parts?
    Answer = Make sure you are using the right actvation method. Some Part tests require you to "Stage" the part
    Image = GroundCrew
    GameMode = 
    ModAssembly = 
    Question = Planning a longer journey?
    Answer = Dont forget batteries and solar panels in your design
    Image = Linus
    GameMode = 
    ModAssembly = 
    Question = Need to monitor your Ap or Pe?
    Answer = If unlocked you can left-click on the markers to get them to stay visible
    Image = Gene
    GameMode = 
    ModAssembly = 
    Question = Need an All or Nothing throttle approach
    Answer = Press 'X' to cut the throttle to 0% or 'Z' to give it the beans (100%)
    Image = Kerbal
    GameMode = 
    ModAssembly = 
    Question = Want to try out some new Symmetry?
    Answer = "R" toggles between radial and mirror, and "F" toggles between absolute and local reference
    Image = Gus
    GameMode = 
    ModAssembly = 
    Question = Need to quickly change editor gizmos?
    Answer = The shortcut keys are "1", "2", "3", "4" (Place, Offset, Rotate, Re-root)
    Image = Gus
    GameMode = 
    ModAssembly = 
    Question = Looking for contract variations?
    Answer = As your space program advances more and more types will be offered.
    Image = Mortimer
    GameMode = 
    ModAssembly = 

    Question = Do you have some parts you use all the time
    Answer = Try setting up a Custom Category using the Advanced section of the editor
    Image = GroundCrew
    GameMode = 
    ModAssembly = 
    Question = Trying to get that maneuver burn just right
    Answer = Try and start your burn before the node, so half occurs before and half after the node time
    Image = Wernher
    GameMode = 
    ModAssembly = 
    Question = Out of fuel?
    Answer = Why not get out and push...
    Image = Jebediah
    GameMode = 
    ModAssembly = 
    Question = Have you considered Automatic Alarms?
    Answer = Check out the Alarm Specific settings for Auto alarms of various types - SOI, ManNode and more
    Image = Plugin
    GameMode = 
    ModAssembly = KerbalAlarmClock
    Question = Wondering how Kerbal XP Points add up?
    Answer = Think of them like milestones, as each kerbal passes certain milestones he gains points
    Image = Jebediah
    GameMode = Career
    ModAssembly = 
    Question = Wondering how Kerbal XP Points add up?
    Answer = Think of them like milestones, as each kerbal passes certain milestones he gains points
    Image = Jebediah
    GameMode = Career
    ModAssembly = 

And here is what I have so far:

	Overwrite = false 
	ToolTip  = Upgrade the Track Station to see future orbits, including SOI changes.
	ToolTip2 = Upgrade Tracking Station and Mission control to unlock Maneuver Nodes
	ToolTip3 = To see asteroids, upgrade the Tracking Station to level 3. 
	ToolTip4 = Upgrade Mission Control to take on more contracts at a time.
	ToolTip5 = Upgrade R&D to research higher level technology.
	ToolTip6 = An upgraded Astronaut Complex allows you to hire more crew.
	ToolTip7 = Astronaut Complex level 2 is needed to exit a vehicle in space (EVA).
	ToolTip8 = Want to plant a flag? Astronaut Complex level 2 or better.
	ToolTip9 = You can upgrade the Launch Pad to allow heavier rockets.
	ToolTip10 = Rocket crushing the Launch Pad? Use clamps to spread the weight.

Yeah. I know I didn't get much done, but it is a start. If someone doesn't finish it first, I will probably work on it more tomorrow. I deliberately reworded them to try to keep them short (space on the screen).

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1 hour ago, JPLRepo said:

Are you volunteering to start up the community Tips list? :D

Tip number one: never post suggestions.:P

I think the work is already done, contentwise, by TriggerAU. It'd just be converting. That's just details. I'm an idea guy, not a detail guy. I worry about big picture stuff.:D


@LabRats Looking good! Suggestion: Maybe making a google document? Otherwise we'd clutter this thread in a hurry. Better idea: Start a PM group and have the document only linked there. Then divide up the list to people.

P.S. Who says "Give it the beans?" :D

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Update: @LabRats and I have started to convert the KSP Tips to loading tips. Send me or him a PM if you want in on the action. We're maybe half way done? But it's lunch time; union rules!

This is not me volunteering for being caretaker for all of perpetuity of some community repository of tips by the way. :D I just had some free time, is all.

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3 hours ago, Deimos Rast said:

Update: @LabRats and I have started to convert the KSP Tips to loading tips. Send me or him a PM if you want in on the action. We're maybe half way done? But it's lunch time; union rules!

This is not me volunteering for being caretaker for all of perpetuity of some community repository of tips by the way. :D I just had some free time, is all.

Sounds like you are volunteering. LOL. No pressure. Just joking. Perhaps @LabRats wants to be the curator for the community ToolTips Repository file?

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1 hour ago, JPLRepo said:

Sounds like you are volunteering. LOL. No pressure. Just joking. Perhaps @LabRats wants to be the curator for the community ToolTips Repository file?

Well, technically the file is mine, but he seems to know his way around a google doc a lot better than me. I would love to hear from @TriggerAu before we're done, but rumor has it he has a day job.:rolleyes: 

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how did I only just get pinged by the forum on this now!!!

Feel free to take any and all of those tips fomr their - we basically turned the other half of KSPTips into KSPedia and I was thinking of coming back to that list at some point. As loading tips its a cool idea. Let me see if I can find the source I used - its probably an excel file or something, might be easier to pull apart than the cfg nodes - and I might have some extras too

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17 minutes ago, TriggerAu said:

Here you go - I think that's the full current list plus the half dozen or so other ones I had collected /thought up


Thank you kindly.

I think the hardest part will be untangling all that Aussie Outback slang.:D "Press Z to give it the beans."

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9 minutes ago, TriggerAu said:

I love

I love that one :)

Alright, I'll keep it. I think I "Americanized" it and said "gun it" but "beans" is probably more kerbal.

If you want I can PM you the link to the list if you want to approve/look over things. Our major concern so far is what can we assume a new player will know. Is "Rx Wheel" or "Ctrl Surface" too much of short hand for example? We're a bit pressed on space.

Edited by Deimos Rast
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nah approvals not necessary, it sounds great, but I can see the space thing being a concern totally. Shoot me the link if your happy and I'll see if I can think of any space savers - I had to do simlar for a lot of KSPedia


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2 minutes ago, TriggerAu said:

nah approvals not necessary, it sounds great, but I can see the space thing being a concern totally. Shoot me the link if your happy and I'll see if I can think of any space savers - I had to do simlar for a lot of KSPedia


Yeah, I'll send the link over when we're done (probably in a couple days...I mean, SoonTM:cool:). I haven't quite mastered "catalogue speak" yet, so I just sort of hack away at grammar till it fits (slight hyperbole, but I'm used to throwing around unnecessary verbage).

Anyway, thanks!:)


@JPLRepoHow long can these tips be, near about? 

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"Press Z for Beans" makes total sense to me. :sticktongue::wink:
Seems like @Deimos Rast & @LabRats are working on a new Community Driven ToolTips list. Excellent!!!
Thanks @TriggerAu for the input too. Terrific! This is exactly what I had in mind when i dreamt this up last week.

6 minutes ago, Deimos Rast said:


@JPLRepoHow long can these tips be, near about? 

EDIT: Not sure, but shoving some long test strings into a file should determine that for you. There is no char limit, just what will fit on the screen. So throw some test strings in there and start counting.

Edited by JPLRepo
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