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Setting up Logitech Attack 3 Joystick

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Sorry if this is the wrong forum for this.

I\'m looking to set up a Logitech Attack 3 Joystick, as I\'ve heard some people say that it works. The problem is, I\'m having trouble getting it to work with KSP. Although I\'m able to get buttons to correspond, to a command, I don\'t know how to get the game to recognize either the throttle, or the movement of the stick itself.

Except for helicopters, the stick works pretty well with FSX, so I\'m sure it\'s not a hardware issue.

All help is appreciated.

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I went to Windows Start, control panel, hardware, devices, it should be listed there as Logitech Attack 3, then right click on it, choose game controller settings (the first menu option), then properties, and a calibration screen should pop up. Run the stick around and the throttle up and down, and it should be okay. Good luck!

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