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Let us build Space Centers on Extra Kerbin Bodies!!!

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I want to build a space center on the Mun! Or on Minmus! I haven't really thought this through - it's mostly a foundation for the idea but here's a roughing - 

  • Cost based on various factors : 
    • Size/Gravity of the body ( The further the deviation from Kerbin the higher the cost should be ).
    • Distance from Kerbin ( Closer = less expensive, more distant = more expensive ( Mean distance, not current ).
  • Time for construction to complete can vary based on factors. Facility may require engineers while being constructed, and those engineers will be left out of play while it's happening. The higher the level of the engineer, the greater the effect of them on the time and cost of the center.
  • You don't get to choose where the space center will be built ( static location for each body, for the sake of the programmers sanity - holy hell I don't even want to think about what would go into letting them be built anywhere ).
  • You have to ship all the necessary whatever to the site on the body ( I have no idea what should be required to allow the construction of a Space Center on an Extra-Planetary Body )
    • Maybe allow players to build the facilities of the space center separately? ( Launch Pad, Research Center, Spaceplane Hangar, etc. Research Center requires a science lab, Spaceplane Hangar requires a tank of rocket fuel or something... I don't know. ).
  • Space Center Facilities start at level zero ( same as Kerbin space center ). Cost for upgrades subject to same factors as the cost of construction.
    • Research Center research costs are the same, but if you want you can "beam" unlocked tech from any space center to any other space center which currently does NOT have that tech unlocked to either just flat out give it to them ( if they are eligible ) or reduce the research cost. "Beaming" tech from one center to another could have a cost ( either science or kerbits ( or whatever the currency is officially called ) or both, as well as time ( all subject to the mean distance from the body to space center beaming the tech ).
  • Extra-planetary space centers should probably not spawn Kerbalnauts ( realistic approach ). The Kerbalnaut complex can be populated by shipping kerbals from Kerbin to the center in question.
    • Extra-planetary space centers can spawn their own Kerbalnauts ( fun approach ).
  • Putting space centers on other bodies can unlock new missions!
  • Putting space centers on other bodies can allow for collaboration between space centers to do stuff! ( For example, maybe a mission to ship a Very Important Kerbal from the Kerbal Space Center to the Mun Space Center.

The sky is no longer the limit! Let's colonize the entire system!!!

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1 hour ago, Geoclasm said:

...mission to ship a Very Important Kerbal from the Kerbal Space Center to the Mun Space Center.

-GSP - Gilly Space Center.
-Put 1000t fuel tankers in orbit with tiny engine, be around the 3rd deepest gravity well in the game for amazing Oberth effect.-
-Go to Eeloo for very little dv 

The only problem is mining ore, selling it back to the space center. On Kerbin it is quite useless, ore concentrations are so low it is not worthwhile. but maybe on Gilly this could be exploited


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its even more profirtable to refine the ore and sell LF/Monoprop.

On kerbin you can just launch something with full ore tanks, then refine it into fuel, then recover... if you want to paly kerbal refinery program that is...

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Not in the scope of the game. I'd rather have a few more launch sites on Kerbin and a Carrier somewhere on the sea. Not sure who would do that though as bac9 is not in the dev team anymore #bringbac9back

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On 05/07/2016 at 11:14 AM, Veeltch said:

Not in the scope of the game. I'd rather have a few more launch sites on Kerbin and a Carrier somewhere on the sea. Not sure who would do that though as bac9 is not in the dev team anymore #bringbac9back


On 06/07/2016 at 5:39 PM, KerikBalm said:

I'd settle for being able to flatten terrain to make a landing strip... it would just need to store an extra heightmap- field for each modified planet

^^ these...

I don't think a fully functional VAB/SPH on other bodies would be a good idea for stock.  The ability to build runways and landing pads though would be neat.

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I once dreamed that there was a KSC on Ernus in KillAshley's New Horizon's pack - it was pretty weird. (How that is relevant, I don't know) Personally, I think it would be cool to have little blue men running a space center on Laythe - maybe just as an easter egg or something. Perhaps you would be able to launch from it once you discovered it?

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