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Quick and Dirty Juno Recreation


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I enjoy recreating space stuff as much as the next Kerbal player, and with Juno in the news after its successful capture at Jupiter, I thought I'd give it a go in KSP. It turned out surprisingly good.

This is what I would call a pretty quick and dirty recreation.  I'm on a laptop where I have to turn alot of settings down, especially textures, so apologies for that.  I don't have lots of hours to devote to research, and I don't really play KSP that way.  I like to accomplish cool things,but I don't stress out about them.

I think i did a pretty reasonable job on this one, with just stock parts and tweakscale.  The greebling on Juno itself has about 3 minutes worth of looking at a google image and slapping on the science parts and anything that would look groovy. Don't blame me if the JIRAM is offcenter or something.  :sticktongue:  Yes, there only 4 SRB's, I'm not gonna fiddle that much!





Here is the final orbit, I forgot to include it in the album.  :confused:



Edited by klesh
added the final orbit pic
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Thank you!  I know its not impressive to most people here, what with their giant efficient ships all mathed out to perfection but I only had a few hours to spend and enjoyed myself.  :cool:

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