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Signs You're In for a Short Flight


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Let's forget about bugs and have fun for a while.

1) You forgot to check 'crossfeed' somewhere.

2) Your rocket comes with instructions on which way to lean on the controls to balance each stage.

3) Your rocket comes with instructions on which way the pilot must lean to balance each stage.

4) The last stage fires first.

5) SRB's are used as decouplers

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An accident with asparagus and symmetry causes the right half to run out of fuel before the left.

Your center of lift is subterranean.

The heatshield is the MOST aerodynamic part of your rocket.

Edited by Corona688
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Habitual use of gear, brake, and light keys for everything but gears, brakes, and lights makes your first rover festive on the way up.

You hear the sound of a strut breaking, but aren't sure which.

You brought enough batteries to not instantly realize you totally forgot the solar cells.

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Your RCS tanks are empty by orbit.

Your probodyne unit is upside down and doesn't even know it.

Your shady part-clipping violently disassembles itself when you come out of time warp.

You end up in orbit with far less fuel than you should have...  and a pair of unused SRB's.

You've discovered the meaning of 'suicide burn'.

You forgot to disable fuel crossfeed on your lander before its carrier performs a long, interplanetary burn.

Your boosters smack your solar panels off when you let them go.

Edited by Corona688
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You time-warp too much and your solar panels fly off once you finish the warp.

You "forget" to check your staging and end up firing your second-stage engines rather than your first.

The boosters don't decouple when you stage them.

You don't add struts.


Edited by Munbro Kerman
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After several seconde of feverishly willing your rocket off the pad, you realize you tweaked it for a 1.4 TWR while still having Duna selected in KER.

After several seconde of feverishly willing your rocket off the pad, you realize those clamps you added release in the next stage.

After hearing only the clamp release sound, you realize all the engines ignite in the next stage.

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Your new plane trundles majestically down the runway, all nine engines roaring. It quickly lifts off by itself, you press the key to raise the landing gear... and before you can react it performs a harrowing back-flip. All because you didn't mind a few arrows while in the hangar.

You finally decide to add launch clamps to stabilize your monster rocket. You press "launch," admire your handiwork standing secure and unwavering on the pad. You press the spacebar and... none of the rockets fire. Instead, the whole thing collapses in on itself like a thermobaric detonation. Because the clamps got added as Stage 0 before all your engines.

Edited by JonathanPerregaux
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Your aircraft affectionately leave engines on the runway for you just like your cats keep bringing you dead mice.

Your aircraft are almost completely made of control surfaces.

Your aircraft incorporate solid rockets in some fashion.

All of the above.

Edited by Corona688
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When you're having to shift fuel around mid-launch because the payload's fuel has been used by the booster, and it burns radial tanks unevenly.

Spin spin flip boom.

When you load up your plane and it's jiggering all over the ground, and then the runway collapses under it, and the plane catapults itself a couple hundred meters up, with the engines gone and wings breaking off.

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