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[KSP 1.6.1] Stock Visual Enhancements [v1.4.1] [20 March 2019]


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found a big although im not entirely sure whats causing it but the following mods but my suspicions lie with mods i have installed today

  • i've used regularly with no problem --> KWRocketry (Outdated at this time), Mechjeb, KOS, Scatterer (just updated today though), Kerbal Engineer
  • some mods appeared recently and i never downloaded then --> Coatl Aerospace, DMagic, FireSpitter. --> these have caused no issue for me at this time
  • mods i installed today --> Stock Visuel Enhancements with High Res Textures, EVE, Tracking Station Evolved and KWRocketryRebalanced

bug details --> change ship via the map or tracking station and i am unable to see the planets on the day-side, the star field or Skybox is also Blacked out.


in order to upload my Output log and Gamedata image i need a bit of help with that as i cant figure out how too :(


Edit: sod it....Google Drive Links


GameData: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TxBtvAy6bwNToX8pqSDVkXSUKLVUjRgO/view?usp=sharing

Outputlog https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZYbjuFL4kOEKlVYCYmpZUsFxKbFtgquh/view?usp=sharing

Edited by RyboSenpai
trying to figure out how to upload stuff
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1 hour ago, RyboSenpai said:

found a big although im not entirely sure whats causing it but the following mods but my suspicions lie with mods i have installed today

  • i've used regularly with no problem --> KWRocketry (Outdated at this time), Mechjeb, KOS, Scatterer (just updated today though), Kerbal Engineer
  • some mods appeared recently and i never downloaded then --> Coatl Aerospace, DMagic, FireSpitter. --> these have caused no issue for me at this time
  • mods i installed today --> Stock Visuel Enhancements with High Res Textures, EVE, Tracking Station Evolved and KWRocketryRebalanced

bug details --> change ship via the map or tracking station and i am unable to see the planets on the day-side, the star field or Skybox is also Blacked out.


in order to upload my Output log and Gamedata image i need a bit of help with that as i cant figure out how too :(


Edit: sod it....Google Drive Links


GameData: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TxBtvAy6bwNToX8pqSDVkXSUKLVUjRgO/view?usp=sharing

Outputlog https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZYbjuFL4kOEKlVYCYmpZUsFxKbFtgquh/view?usp=sharing

Remove tracking station evolved and see if the issue goes away.


actually @RyboSenpai what you are describing is a bug with scatterer. Go to the scatterer thread and you will see others are having the same issue.

Edited by Galileo
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Remove tracking station evolved and see if the issue goes away.


actually @RyboSenpai what you are describing is a bug with scatterer. Go to the scatterer thread and you will see others are having the same issue.

okay shall do :) thanks for the info :) 


Edit: do i require Scatterer for SVE ?

Edited by RyboSenpai
Question to follow up until Scatterer receives its fix
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2 minutes ago, Galileo said:

All versions of SVE work on all versions of KSP, granted you have the right version of EVE.

As always you're lifesaver, Thank You :)), same applies for  the Textures? and for EVE latest was  EVE-1.2.2-1, am I right?

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I was trying to find out some answers through google search, but I might just be asking the wrong questions.


I started a career mode and I am noticing that while I have ground scatter turned on in my settings I dont seem to be getting any ground scatter around kerbin. I have SVE, Eve, and scatter installed with the SVE high res textures. 


My 2nd question, would be if I can add some sort of high res sky box with this mod as well, and if so where would I put it?


Thank you in advance for any help

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On 18/03/2018 at 8:33 PM, RyboSenpai said:

found a big although im not entirely sure whats causing it but the following mods but my suspicions lie with mods i have installed today

  • i've used regularly with no problem --> KWRocketry (Outdated at this time), Mechjeb, KOS, Scatterer (just updated today though), Kerbal Engineer
  • some mods appeared recently and i never downloaded then --> Coatl Aerospace, DMagic, FireSpitter. --> these have caused no issue for me at this time
  • mods i installed today --> Stock Visuel Enhancements with High Res Textures, EVE, Tracking Station Evolved and KWRocketryRebalanced

bug details --> change ship via the map or tracking station and i am unable to see the planets on the day-side, the star field or Skybox is also Blacked out.


in order to upload my Output log and Gamedata image i need a bit of help with that as i cant figure out how too :(


Edit: sod it....Google Drive Links


GameData: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TxBtvAy6bwNToX8pqSDVkXSUKLVUjRgO/view?usp=sharing

Outputlog https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZYbjuFL4kOEKlVYCYmpZUsFxKbFtgquh/view?usp=sharing

I actually have the same issue. Initially spotted in v. 1.4.1, with in-depth debugging in 1.4.2 (stripped down to having only scatterer, EVE and SVE to no avail). 

Upon loading a vessel, no textures apart from the sun and the vessel itself are loaded. Map view still shows all good, same if you make a new launch. 



Log file here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/757d733yomphvlj/KSP.log?dl=0

removing SVE fixes the issue.

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19 minutes ago, Yakvi said:

I actually have the same issue. Initially spotted in v. 1.4.1, with in-depth debugging in 1.4.2 (stripped down to having only scatterer, EVE and SVE to no avail). 

Upon loading a vessel, no textures apart from the sun and the vessel itself are loaded. Map view still shows all good, same if you make a new launch. 



Log file here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/757d733yomphvlj/KSP.log?dl=0

removing SVE fixes the issue.

Known Scatterer bug. You can read all about it in the Scatterer thread.

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2 hours ago, Lo Var Lachland said:

WHOOOOOA, the mod doesn't require scatterer anymore????!!! WOOOO HOOOO!!!! :D

Has it ever? But then, a Ferrari runs just fine when painted white too...

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For all those missing scatterer, that are following this thread, because of the black planet bug when loading a craft in space. He released a hotfix on github about 2 hours ago that fixes it. - https://github.com/LGhassen/Scatterer/releases/tag/v0.0328dev


@Galileo Do you know of a way to make the 'bubble' layer created by the clouds all being the same height while in orbit blend or go away using settings? Its not a bug, just kind of throws me off.


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11 minutes ago, MadArkael said:

For all those missing scatterer, that are following this thread, because of the black planet bug when loading a craft in space. He released a hotfix on github about 2 hours ago that fixes it. - https://github.com/LGhassen/Scatterer/releases/tag/v0.0328dev


@Galileo Do you know of a way to make the 'bubble' layer created by the clouds all being the same height while in orbit blend or go away using settings? Its not a bug, just kind of throws me off.


Nope, there is nothing you can do except lower the cloud layers, but having clouds at 3km doesn’t look right. It’s a limitation of EVE that I have long wanted a fix for. 

Edited by Galileo
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4 minutes ago, Galileo said:

Nope, there is nothing you can do except lower the cloud layers, but having clouds at 3km doesn’t look right. It’s a limitation of EVE that I have long wanted a fix for.

Appreciate the reply and yeah, being able to have volumetric clouds render at that distance would be very nice.

Edit: at that distance, meaning from orbit, not 3km :)

Edited by MadArkael
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I installed this on a clean install of 1.4.1 and was wondering if Duna was supposed to have dust storms or some sort of clouds?  I tried searching this thread but didn't find anything regarding this in the past year or so.  I have a screenshot of what my Duna looks like from the map view.  Kerbin and Jool look as described or as I have seen in other screenshots.
Output Log
GameData and Map View Screenshots
Thanks for all the great work!
Edited by leftsideright
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