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[KSP 1.6.1] Stock Visual Enhancements [v1.4.1] [20 March 2019]


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  On 7/20/2016 at 2:00 PM, Berlin said:

I have yet to see the issue others are having but if this indeed fixes it (more testing is probably needed)  then could I please include this as an optional DL I'm the OP


If you haven't seen the issue yourself, you can see it at 0:00 (landing gear) and 1:45 (on the launchpad light) in this video.


Anyway, seems to be a EVE problem not one with SVE. And I can confirm the dropbox cfg from TGSAP fixes it.

Edited by antilochus
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  On 7/20/2016 at 1:29 PM, TGSAP said:

You have to do it to every cloud layer in Kerbin that has a shadow factor different than zero. Note that you have to do it in game, because some don't show up in the .cfg.

I also deleted the aurora; might or might not affect it. I assume setting its shadow factor to 0, if it isn't already, would suffice.

Edit: I'll post a custom config in a bit for you guys to try.

Edit: Here it is. As I said, I just went into the in-game settings menu and set the shadow factor to 0 in everything I could in the CloudsManager. Replace this in your GameData>StockVisualEnhancements>EVE>Atmosphere.




Thank you so much for this, Its a minor thing, but has been really driving me crazy.  Before and after shots



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  On 7/20/2016 at 4:26 PM, TGSAP said:

I did some testing and I think that is exactly it! Thanks for the catch! However, most of the glitch was actually caused by the uniform shadow of the three layers of atmosphere. If you put the shadow factor zero on them, it will simply be slightly brighter, and it's already enough to mostly remove the glitch. However, when a cloud casts shadow over you, it returns.

To me, the atmosphere shadow can be removed with no great loss. The cloud shadow is a very subtle effect, much more subtle than the blatant glitches it causes (in my computer), so personally I will do without the cloud shadows. But now people can make an informed decision, at least!

Edit: Reminding that all this can be changed at any time, in game, so you can simply give the clouds/atmosphere their shadows back or take them away depending on what you are going to do and what is your "graphical priority" at the time.


  On 7/15/2016 at 8:51 PM, Berlin said:

I mean I noticed things like that with a stock game with just scatterer on the launch pad.  The little water towery thing with the light on it for example.  It's something with the textures interfering with scatterer or vice versa. So I dunno but I haven't seen it in my game on trees or on my crafts. Maybe @blackrack can clarify?  

  On 7/16/2016 at 4:29 AM, Gaiiden said:

I thought this was EVE - during some testing of other stuff in sandbox the effect of alpha mask showing on the water tower light seemed to lessen and worsen as clouds passed by, so I thought it was the EVE ground cloud shadows. Never really looked into much tho since I use the Lvl 0 space center in my career game


Oh cool, I was right. Good job figuring out how to disable the cloud shadows @TGSAP, I posted asking the EVE thread a while ago when I first theorized it was the cloud shadows but no one ever responded and I didn't have time to look into it further. I'm especially happy to know you can turn them on/off while the game is running. Sweet!

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It's absolutely an EVE issue, not an SVE issue, and will happen on any EVE based mod. It was just very apparent in SVE because the atmosphere itself had a shadow material, making it so the glitch happened pretty much anywhere on Kerbin, and not just when clouds were around.

Okay guys, yesterday's .cfg was just to test things out. It was only for Kerbin. Now that we know that it works, I did a more comprehensive fix, that should fix such glitches in every planet in the Kerbol system. Furthermore, instead of setting the shadow factor to 0, I removed the shadow material completely, which should come with the nice side effect of a slight performance boost (very slight though, maybe not even noticeable). I didn't test it on the other planets myself but I see no reason why it shouldn't work. You guys can get it here;


Note that this "fix" completely removes EVE related shadows from the game. Clouds, atmospheres and dust storms will cast no shadow. You can still add them back at any time by accessing the Alt+0 menu and putting the shadow material back on. Every other shadow, such as stock shadows, or scatterer terrain shadows, will remain working as usual.

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  On 7/21/2016 at 12:44 PM, TGSAP said:

It's absolutely an EVE issue, not an SVE issue, and will happen on any EVE based mod. It was just very apparent in SVE because the atmosphere itself had a shadow material, making it so the glitch happened pretty much anywhere on Kerbin, and not just when clouds were around.

Okay guys, yesterday's .cfg was just to test things out. It was only for Kerbin. Now that we know that it works, I did a more comprehensive fix, that should fix such glitches in every planet in the Kerbol system. Furthermore, instead of setting the shadow factor to 0, I removed the shadow material completely, which should come with the nice side effect of a slight performance boost (very slight though, maybe not even noticeable). I didn't test it on the other planets myself but I see no reason why it shouldn't work. You guys can get it here;


Note that this "fix" completely removes EVE related shadows from the game. Clouds, atmospheres and dust storms will cast no shadow. You can still add them back at any time by accessing the Alt+0 menu and putting the shadow material back on. Every other shadow, such as stock shadows, or scatterer terrain shadows, will remain working as usual.


For me it only seems to do the glitch with landing gear, I wonder if there is a way to fix the models instead of removing the shadows, I do like the cloud shadows. 

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@Berlin Hey buddy!  I dunno if this has been brought up and i don't have time to read the whole thread right now.  Kerbin shows through the Mun!  If you are on the surface it doesn't show through but if you zoom out it will start to show through.

Here's a pic in orbit.


Edited by Cerberus738
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  On 7/22/2016 at 2:09 AM, Cerberus738 said:

@Berlin Hey buddy!  I dunno if this has been brought up and i don't have time to read the whole thread right now.  Kerbin shows through the Mun!  If you are on the surface it doesn't show through but if you zoom out it will start to show through.

Here's a pic in orbit.



It's something I don't know how to fix in kopernicus.  I've seen it but in regular gameplay I don't normally zoom out while on the surface.  So eh.  Unless someone else can pinpoint the issue I'm at a loss

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  On 7/8/2016 at 10:40 PM, Berlin said:

okay so I know so far the mod has been pretty well received, however, I HAVE JUST HAD A MAJOR BREAKTHROUGH WITH KOPERNICUS! Not major for others but major for me.  SVE will never be the same. Update to follow soontm


I just remembered that I never did figure out what this referred to. Did I miss it somewhere?

Edited by Gaiiden
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  On 7/22/2016 at 3:29 AM, Gaiiden said:

I just remembered that I never did figure out what this referred to. Did I miss it somewhere?


It was with the ground textures but I had to split the mod because people complained about the mod being too big and containing things they didn't want. 

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Not sure what it is (or if it's been reported already), but Laythe's atmosphere (at least in map view) seems to shake around. It slows and speeds up at times, but never comes to a complete stop. Not sure if this is an issue with SVE or EVE however. If anyone else has noticed this, and/or has a solution or at least knows what causes this, that would be appreciated.

Other than that, I'm absolutely LOVING this visual overhaul. KSP seems blank and incomplete without it! Keep up the awesome work @Berlin!

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  On 7/22/2016 at 12:19 PM, Jack Wolfe said:



Man oh man! 

  On 7/22/2016 at 7:40 AM, Noname115 said:

Not sure what it is (or if it's been reported already), but Laythe's atmosphere (at least in map view) seems to shake around. It slows and speeds up at times, but never comes to a complete stop. Not sure if this is an issue with SVE or EVE however. If anyone else has noticed this, and/or has a solution or at least knows what causes this, that would be appreciated.

Other than that, I'm absolutely LOVING this visual overhaul. KSP seems blank and incomplete without it! Keep up the awesome work @Berlin!


Yes it does this. I think it's scatterer.  If you are not orbiting the planet you are viewing in map view that atmosphere jumps around.  No fixes of now

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Berlin, I had an intriguing idea pop into my head yesterday, have you ever thought of experimenting with Volumentric Auroras? Instead of the Aurora Borealis and Australis being a flat texture that looks pretty from above, you could instead try and use the same method in which you create volumetric clouds, just with aurora textures. This way the aurora's would be able to be flown through or at least have the look of it being possible. Maybe you'd even be able to allow the new volumetric auroras to emit light, similar to the way some ksp mods have clouds that emit shadows. Here's a real world example of what I am describing: 


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  On 7/22/2016 at 3:13 PM, HereComesTheBoom said:

Berlin, I had an intriguing idea pop into my head yesterday, have you ever thought of experimenting with Volumentric Auroras? Instead of the Aurora Borealis and Australis being a flat texture that looks pretty from above, you could instead try and use the same method in which you create volumetric clouds, just with aurora textures. This way the aurora's would be able to be flown through or at least have the look of it being possible. Maybe you'd even be able to allow the new volumetric auroras to emit light, similar to the way some ksp mods have clouds that emit shadows. Here's a real world example of what I am describing: 



I have been trying this for the last week but I'm still trying to create a texture that looks believable, if that makes sense?  I have only been able get the illumination to show in low flights and on the surface.  I really wish I could make it show on the dark side from high orbit.   Btw what mods use clouds that emit shadows?  EVE has cloud shadows is that what you are referring to? If you mean something else,  let me know!   Maybe I can look at how they do it and adapt it to this.  

Edited by Berlin
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  On 7/22/2016 at 5:19 PM, Berlin said:

I have been trying this for the last week but I'm still trying to create a texture that looks believable, if that makes sense?  I have only been able get the illumination to show in low flights and on the surface.  I really wish I could make it show on the dark side from high orbit.   Btw what mods use clouds that emit shadows?  EVE has cloud shadows is that what you are referring to? If you mean something else,  let me know!   Maybe I can look at how they do it and adapt it to this.  


That sounds amazing, and I know what you mean about believable textures, It took a long while for clouds in KSP to come along to what they are now. And yes that's what I mean about cloud shadows, how the clouds cast shadows on the ground in EVE is what I'm referring to. Maybe you could try and change the .txt file or whatever EVE uses that generates the cloud's shadows to instead make the shadows that you'd like the volumetric aurora textures to cast to be a lot more spread out and a brighter color, that way it looks like a bright glow rather than a shadow. Then, bare with me here cause it's about to get confusing... Maybe you could try and change the angle at which that glow you made for the aurora out of the cloud config is pointing to be 180 degrees in the opposite direction, straight up into space, if you will. Not sure if it will work, but if it does I'd have to assume when the glow you made out of the shadow config is pointing into space, a ship's surface will be considered the object to cast the glow on, if any of that makes any sense at all. I'm not aware of any other mod with cloud shadows, but I'll be sure to look around. If you'd like me to re-word what I've tried to explain, just let me know, otherwise I'll keep you posted on what I find. Good luck with the aurora glows you're working on!

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Does anyone else have clouds showing up on the Mun? I noticed this while playing the other day and I'm assuming its probably an EVE thing, since thats the mod that adds the clouds. Is there maybe a cfg that is telling clouds to show up on the Mun? Wondering if there is any fix to this, other than removing EVE entirely. I have a screenshot here



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  On 7/22/2016 at 8:18 PM, cheesykerb said:

Does anyone else have clouds showing up on the Mun? I noticed this while playing the other day and I'm assuming its probably an EVE thing, since thats the mod that adds the clouds. Is there maybe a cfg that is telling clouds to show up on the Mun? Wondering if there is any fix to this, other than removing EVE entirely. I have a screenshot here




Well,  there is dust clouds on the Mun.  Some places with lower altitudes or vertices may experience what look like clouds and that is because the cloud layers are not dynamic in that they don't conform to the the shape of the Mun. So some will appear as floating clouds like you would see on kerbin. Sorry about that but there isn't anything I can do really except make many different static cloud layers and manually adjust the heights on each.  That is something that will take me some time to do. Maybe in the far future

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  On 7/22/2016 at 8:18 PM, cheesykerb said:

Does anyone else have clouds showing up on the Mun? I noticed this while playing the other day and I'm assuming its probably an EVE thing, since thats the mod that adds the clouds. Is there maybe a cfg that is telling clouds to show up on the Mun? Wondering if there is any fix to this, other than removing EVE entirely. I have a screenshot here




The question is what exactly you want? Do you want the dust on Mun to disappear, then simply remove the Mun section from clouds.cfg. Berlin added the dust clouds to make it more "alien" and because the real moon has very very thin dust clouds as well.

But if you want them to be different, behave differently or appear in other areas that's something Berlin can try if you explain in more detail what you're looking for.

  On 7/22/2016 at 7:44 PM, HereComesTheBoom said:

That sounds amazing, and I know what you mean about believable textures, It took a long while for clouds in KSP to come along to what they are now. And yes that's what I mean about cloud shadows, how the clouds cast shadows on the ground in EVE is what I'm referring to. Maybe you could try and change the .txt file or whatever EVE uses that generates the cloud's shadows to instead make the shadows that you'd like the volumetric aurora textures to cast to be a lot more spread out and a brighter color, that way it looks like a bright glow rather than a shadow. Then, bare with me here cause it's about to get confusing... Maybe you could try and change the angle at which that glow you made for the aurora out of the cloud config is pointing to be 180 degrees in the opposite direction, straight up into space, if you will. Not sure if it will work, but if it does I'd have to assume when the glow you made out of the shadow config is pointing into space, a ship's surface will be considered the object to cast the glow on, if any of that makes any sense at all. I'm not aware of any other mod with cloud shadows, but I'll be sure to look around. If you'd like me to re-word what I've tried to explain, just let me know, otherwise I'll keep you posted on what I find. Good luck with the aurora glows you're working on!


Unfortunately casting shadows has nothing to do with glowing auroras. Berlin is not making the shadows, they are generated by EVE causing areas with clouds over it to be darker. Shadows are easily done by reducing existing light (sun), they do not glow or something like that. There is no way yet to make a cloud layer visble at night by emiting its own light - clouds are not a light source and that's what would be needed. Also there is also no way a texture can be rotated. Textures are technically limited to always be drawn on/above the surface.

What you ask for would be really great, but there is no way yet to have cloud layers appear vertically instead of horizontally or emit any lights.

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  On 7/22/2016 at 10:04 PM, Tekener said:

What you ask for would be really great, but there is no way yet to have cloud layers appear vertically instead of horizontally or emit any lights.


I hate to contradict you BUT I have made the auroras volumetric and the don't look terrible just not believable..  Yet. The texture does appear vertical in a sense  :)   I can post videos later. 

  On 7/22/2016 at 12:19 PM, Jack Wolfe said:



This is by far my favorite screenshot I have seen so far!  

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  On 7/22/2016 at 10:24 PM, Berlin said:

I hate to contradict you BUT I have made the auroras volumetric and the don't look terrible just not believable..  Yet. The texture does appear vertical in a sense  :)   I can post videos later. 


Oh, of course that's possible :wink: I just said cloud textures can't glow or be applied vertically, with volumetric clouds they just get a bit of "depth" and might appear a bit vertically as you admitted :) 

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