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Its a great looking plane for sure!..Flys great ? needs a little work. and I mean u know offense..I got a few hours into building space planes.

First the good Great Looking Craft. Very close to what you were trying replicate! good job.

664B1725B4E5DDDF7FFEDB74469318435E7E88B3 Cool looking!

E61342516DFE7B45570727587870F6E5B6266024Trying to build some speed. This is were we start have problems. Could not build enough speed..top speed i hit with liquid fuel only was very short of the speed needed ..i like to be at least at 1000 m/s at 18,000 I could only get this craft to about 300 on liquid fuel...so at about 15, 000  time to fire up the Oxider.

In this screen the oxi is gone, and i only made about 700 m/s i am also about out of mono..which is key to control authority in this craft..as evidenced by the large numbers of Mono jets on both top and bottom of craft.


so  im bringer her home since i only have liquid fuel now..just want to get Jeb back safely.. that island looks like the key.

8DBE4CAC52C375BDF8A70E581315DC5F363B4A01Head down..cool looking plane but it wants to do loop de loops at the slightest touch...need to really baby her.


Cool looking shadow! Slowed to about 50 have used all mono..but i think i  can touchdown safely ....

26B5B307614FDF418FD2BFAA06A93370C97EE703Im guessing there was an airbrake on the bottom side... But there you go a test flight of your bird from an impartial and experienced  ssto pilot.

If i could suggest one thing to you my fellow builder. Build your plane empty to figure out Com. Then work from there with fuel.

very cool plane flies well in low atmosphere as long as you have mono.



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@GraviTykillz Wow! Thanks for a whole review. Means a lot. Yea you are right, she's a little ...different to fly. I uploaded her to Kerbalx with the max amount of fuel possible, though when I want to take off straight from runway to orbit, I reduce the fuel by almost half and balance the CoM just in front of CoL. The huge array of monoprops up front is more of an aesthetic touch, RCS is not needed at all for normal atmospheric flight. The craft pulls up quite a bit and the only major flaw I can find is landing with almost empty fuel, you sometimes have to spiral down but she can always land safely with some finesse 

Down below is a GIF of her parking skills  :P

They told me VTOL parking only.

Edited by Krog34
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