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Zero gravities effects on the eyes and brain


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It gives rise to the question that we have absolutely no idea what else we'll discover regarding the affects of living in microgravity environments long-term.  So, we know that living in space is highly radioactive, it will atrophy your muscles, decalcify your bones, slow down your cardiovascular system, redistribute your fluids and even contribute to excess flatulence (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Effect_of_spaceflight_on_the_human_body).  And now it'll screw up your vision.  I wonder what other effects we'll discover in the future?

Edited by justidutch
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10 minutes ago, justidutch said:

It gives rise to the question that we have absolutely no idea what else we'll discover regarding the affects of living in microgravity environments long-term.  So, we know that living in space is highly radioactive, it will atrophy your muscles, decalcify your bones, slow down your cardiovascular system, redistribute your fluids and even contribute to excess flatulence (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Effect_of_spaceflight_on_the_human_body).  And now it'll screw up your vision.  I wonder what other effects we'll discover in the future?

Well said.

And this is to say nothing of the psychological effects.

It is the final frontier after all. Coping with it will be the biggest challenge humanity has ever faced.

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autist don't care ... notice that while saying that "autism fiber spectrum" is none of my b u s i n e s s or daily concern ... use []strike /strike where that please you on the previous [] i /i statements

on the other feet or foots i have luckily two shoulder and a head top of it ... may be this head is weird but it still ahead

and i no longer give  a single f**** to people talking about something when they don't experience it ahead (wich help me a lot feel better btw and don't toc too much)


kim peek probably don't care either, rip bro'

the fun about dolphin and bat, they use infrasound
the fun about ant and dog, they are sensible to pheromones
the fun about cat they are sensible to magnetism
the fun about dna sequencies amongst human, they are random at birth


feel free to focus on your eyes ... i don't care

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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4 hours ago, insert_name said:

We should send a small primate to the iss for a couple of years, and see what happens. Maybe give it a mate and see if it can produce healthy offspring 

Not such a good idea, the cost would be higher than studying humans. Ethics issues. 

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11 hours ago, kunok said:

And remember that we have no idea of how low g affects human body in the long term

But we already clearly understand that:

  • more than two years of it would be fatal for health;
  • meaningful plants do not grow enough to be useful.

So, further researches are being done just from curiosity, because it's clear that neither zero/low-G colonies, nor multi-year zero/low-G flights could be implemented.
While the centrifugal gravity is very limited in size by different physical reasons.

Btw, this means that a biological research station on orbit or on Moon will make not too much sense, because the only factor unlikely being implemented on the Earth is this gravity.
So, of course humans can study a lunar avocado life cycle, but just to ensure again.

From the another side, once you invent a switchable non-centrifugal gravity, you don't need planets at all.

Edited by kerbiloid
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Has anyone ever tried creating a skin tight device that applies a light vacuum to the legs and thighs, kind of like an iron lung. 

Anyway space centrifuges are the next addition to the ISS, IIRC so. 

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1 hour ago, PB666 said:

Anyway space centrifuges are the next addition to the ISS

It was very small and already cancelled.


The Centrifuge Accommodations Module (CAM) is a cancelled element of the International Space Station. Although the module was planned to contain more than a centrifuge, the 2.5 m (8.2 ft) centrifuge still was considered the most important capability of the module.


26 minutes ago, PB666 said:

Expand the volume of the lymph in the legs and move it away from the CNS. 




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7 hours ago, kerbiloid said:

From the another side, once you invent a switchable non-centrifugal gravity, you don't need planets at all.

A thing that still doesn't have any theoretical base, and probably is plain impossible without using huge amounts of mass and energy negating all benefits

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6 minutes ago, kunok said:

A thing that still doesn't have any theoretical base, and probably is plain impossible without using huge amounts of mass and energy negating all benefits

Of course. Versus a thing (centrifugal gravity) which has a simple theoretical base without any visible possibility of practical implementation.

I mean, all those fictional centrifugal ships & bases are like an ancient fantasies like a flying carriage powered with a pack of eagles, or steam-powered plane projects from XIX century.
Theoretically possible, but never be implemented.

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44 minutes ago, kerbiloid said:

Of course. Versus a thing (centrifugal gravity) which has a simple theoretical base without any visible possibility of practical implementation.

I mean, all those fictional centrifugal ships & bases are like an ancient fantasies like a flying carriage powered with a pack of eagles, or steam-powered plane projects from XIX century.
Theoretically possible, but never be implemented.

The only viable centrifugal module will be with wires and an counterweigh (a wasted stage for example) or two twin modules, with all problems they will have.

That's why I'm in favor of making a biology studies program in the space and in low g (the moon for first), and in the time centering in the only place for sure is viable for us that is the Venus atmosphere

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