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Death of Jebediah and Valentina and the end of the Atlanta Program


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So, the USpaceProgram is going pretty disastrous...


Still getting to orbit and Jebediah and Valentina are already dead...


Jebediah flew in the Atlanta V and died due to overheating (caused by faulty KOS script.) 

Valentina flew in the Atlanta VI and almost had the same fate as Jebediah, travelling at 1000 m/s the drogue chutes broke off due to aerodynamics (undeployed) and short after the main chute as well. (Also caused by the very same KOS script.)

These two crashes have indicated the danger of KOS and has led the Atlanta space program to end.


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3 hours ago, Vanamonde said:

The march of progress occasionally staggers, but marches on. 

Indeed, the program will be renamed to Houston due to superstition...maybe I should avoid all program names starting with an A...

Also, guess what I'm not going to use anytime soon, that's right KOS! (Or maybe I should improve my scripting skills...)

Edited by ToukieToucan
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