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Experiment status indicator lights

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Simple stuff really. Probably been suggested before, but better twice than never.

Most experiments look exactly the same whether they're currently storing data or not, which means sometimes you have to hunt for the free thermometer to get your last experiment done. This suggestion is just for a little indicator light or similar that makes it obvious at a glance if an experiment already contains data. Also helpful to scientists collecting data from several experiments to be sure they didn't miss any.

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Also, just to go back to the OP's specific point about science instruments:  IndicatorLights adds indicators to lots of stock parts, not just the science instruments.  If anyone would like to add indicators to only the science instruments and not the other parts, that's easy-- just go into the appropriate subfolder under IndicatorLights/Parts and delete the .cfg files of whichever stock parts you don't want it to tinker with.  So if you only want science instruments, just delete the tweaks for everything else.  :)

Player guide https://github.com/KSPSnark/IndicatorLights/wiki/Player-Guide#science-instruments


  • glowing = instrument contains science
  • blinking = instrument wants science
  • off = never mind, nothing to see here



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@Snark thanks, I will mention you by name when I commend your quality customer service to your employer. Seriously, nice tip. :wink:

@Corona688 yes but it still doesn't help if u have 5 different experiments to harvest and reset in 30 seconds and don't want to make a mistake. Bad planning, blah blah, but still a minor annoyance.

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  • 1 month later...

Would be better if they made them store data all the time whenever they have enough EC to do keep stayibg active instead of forcing us to spam click the heck out of multiple experiments of the same kind.

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