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Working on getting Telemachus actively maintained again

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Hey there!

I'm Cannon, the developer of KSP: Houston, and I've been working on a fork of Telemachus that supports 1.1+ and adds various endpoints that I need to grow Houston. Unfortunately, the canonical version of Telemachus appears to be abandoned. Issues and pull requests aren't being responded to, and the original developer isn't responding to inquiries. I'd like to coordinate and consolidate new development on Telemachus into a new repository with active maintainers. This would make the mod better for everyone: right now the current canonical version of Telemachus is broken for 1.1+ and new features can't be added. On top of that,  I'm having to package Houston 1.0 with my forked version of Telemachus, which will inevitably lead to confusion later down the line.

The forked version is here: https://github.com/tcannonfodder/Telemachus

If someone could give me some guidance on the proper way to go about changing maintainers that would be awesome. Off the top of my head, I know the following things need to be changed:

  • CKAN listing
  • Curse listing
  • The forum post for the mod

Also: If you, or someone you know, has been working on Telemachus or is interested in helping it grow, let me know! I'm looking for active maintainers to help it grow!




Edited by tcannonfodder
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The Curse listing, as far as I know, must be edited by the user that made it, whose username matches no username on this forum, and who hasn't been online on Curse since sept 2015...

The CKAN listing, on the other hand, is freely editable. There's already an entry from this update by @Wonderbreadninja, you two could coordinate to get it to point to your repository :)

Edited by monstah
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Bad news on the Curse front, they don't let you transfer ownership of projects: :(


We no longer transfer projects, due to having several project owners come back to playing whichever game their project was for after a year or two and being understandably upset that they no longer have control. If the original project's license allows a fork, you'll have to do that as well as changing the name - both to not step on the toes of the original project's owner and to not confuse users. Alternately, if you can contact the owner you can be added as a member of the original project, after which point the owner can transfer ownership to you.


We'll figure something out! For now I'll look into the CKAN listing.

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  On 7/19/2016 at 11:38 PM, THX1138 said:

There's a Telemachus 2.0 on CKAN. The homepage listed on CKAN is this thread:

Edit: Oh, you're already in that thread!



Yep! I'm trying to contact @Wonderbreadninja (the one who submitted Telemachus 2.0 to CKAN), and @Rich about becoming an active contributor. Sadly, I haven't heard anything from either of them :(

Here's my github issue asking to become a contributor: https://github.com/richardbunt/Telemachus/issues/66

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Incidentally, I think it would be a nice feature to be able to use Telemachus without putting specific antennas on the craft. I already have many craft in use and I'd like to be able to use the mod without having to add antennas (also I'm not a fan of the aethetics!). I've read that it's possible to achieve this manually be changing certain part files but I figure they will get overwritten every time someone updates KSP.

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